Check this out. Now this is cool, created by the same people to bring you KaZaA (go figure) has created a program that will allow people to make almost realtime phone calls using the internet, even on very slow dial-up connection. I find this extremly interesting, as if a program such as this really caught the attention of the general public, it could effectivly destroy any and all phone companies. Think of it, everyone would switch to broadband as there would be no need for an obsolete phone line and a huge monthly phone bill when you could just make phone calls over the internet.
Well, that’s what I wish would happen anyway. Either way, it’s a great concept and I hope it gets noticed by a huge amount of people. Now just if my headset wasn’t busted…
I don’t see it raining cats and dogs yet though, so I’ll wait till I know a little more about it. And the technology already exists and is free, I think we will end up with a status quo.
I’ll probably end up having my telephone provided by my isp pretty soon anyway. Ip telephones are cool.
Yeah, with a microphone and speakers/headphones (I’d prefer headphones, just for privacy sake). And from the look of their little shop, there are phone hand sets that could plug unto your computer. It’s be really cool if it could be wireless, with a button on the phone to recieve calls, that way the phone wouldn’t have to be near the computer if you didn’t want it to be.