In case some of you didn't know

Epic has recently required a game, let’s say it’s called “Final Fantasy Tactics Advance” (by no means is it actually Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, this is merely an example, for rom emulation is illegal and bad), and let’s say that IF Epic was to host a “fileserver” (by no means does the fileserver exist, it may, I don’t know myself) you might be able to get it using the !FFTA trigger (if the file-server existed, that is. Again, it may. I don’t know)

Some of us have already gotten it through other sites >_>

Amazingly enough Cless, I didn’t know.

Now lets say someone who is reading this is only pretending to be a nerd who loves video games, thereticly speaking it would be in his or her best interest to aquire this ‘game’ through Epic’s ‘file server’ or some equaly active place with this so called ‘game’ to keep up apperances?

Or should this person just sleep those extra 100 hours?


Hand over the roms, this is a raid!

No hablo ingles!
Hablo español, señor ^^
Me encanta Final Fantasy Tactics Advance ^^

Now, people in North America, who would ever want to get this so called rom when you could get it in 3 days when it is released?

(I’m neglecting the rom… STAY AWAY FROM MY MIND, FFTA, until you are PROPERLY RELEASED!)

And uh… It’s not Advanced. It’s Advance. Why people keep messing that up, I dunno.

I wouldn’t mind a ROM of it, since it’s not released over here for months.

C’mon, it’s only… 48 days until the European release…

Yeah then I need money. Which I do not have, since I have to save up for teh holidays, plus there I have to buy presents at Christmas.