I'm pretty sick of sexism...

That reminded me of Einstein. He said, and I quote:

Originally said by Professor Albert Einstein
It’s very depressing to live in a time where it’s easier to break an atom than a prejudice.

That’s a damn fine quote there, Ren. I just had to say that.

I’m pretty sick of this thread

You are simply plain sick, Charl. But I’m still your fan :kissy:

Sometimes it’s upbringing…I was brought up to be very sexist, and I have to try, like, really really really hard not be sexist. I think I do an ok job…but naturally, my most natural reactions and tendencies are to have a skeptical or condescending attitude towards women, cos that’s how my dad had raised me all my life, from before I even knew any better.

I was never brought up that way, people usually aren’t when they’re raised almost completly by a single mother (Ignore the fact that I had a step-father for 10 years, he didn’t do much). I dunno, I just became a decent gentleman, and the only difference in the way I treat males and females comes from the fact that I don’t enjoy snuggling up to a guy. I also tend to just be nicer to girls, but that’s also probably becasue of the aforementioned reason. :stuck_out_tongue:

I tend to be nicer to girls… Not because of any tendencies, but more because girls tend to be nice in return. I know plenty of guys who are plenty nice, but they tend to take longer to get used to. I dunno. I try to be nice to everyone, but I guess I do favor girls.

SG: I’m confused… You always told me you had been taught to be respectful toward women and that you were. :open_mouth: Unless you forgot the “dis” in “respectful” and I’m sure you’re gonna say, if you even read that, you don’t remember telling me anything like that. :stuck_out_tongue:

In non-traditional fields of study for women, I know a few guys who think they’re treated in a sexist manner because there are many scholarships exclusively dedicated to women. On second thought, it’s no big deal, but I see why it’s frustrating for men. :stuck_out_tongue: On my first two years at university, all the girls in my class (we were about 40) got 2 dinners paid at the restaurant just because we were girls. That was a bit pointless, and I don’t complain, but it got all the guys insulted.

I completely agree.

I’ve never really seen any sexism at school(aside from some wise cracks from teachers) or racism, but that’s a pretty screwed up way for those people to act.

Really Miss Walhalla? If I said that, I probly lied :stuck_out_tongue: …Well, thinking about it, I know my mom did try to raise me to be respectful to women though, but I never lived with my mom much. This is probly where I got that from. So, I guess I was given different ideas by different parents. But, certainly, the teachings I got from my father (the sexist ones) are definitely the ones that stand out in my head the most.