If you where an animal, what kind?

A bad-arse cougar, hehe kitty go rarrrrr. When i was a kid, i wanted to have a dream where i was a killer whale ^ _ ^; so i guess id still be that or a dolphin. Ohhhh i could also be a chocobo or a moogle heh, maybe a pegsaus or flying serpent/dragon. :moogle: Those soot ball creatures from Spirited Away were so cute ^^ _ ^^


Alllright, now its my turn
If I would be an animal, I’d probably be a domestic cat. No reason needed on this one. I just love cats. Nothing’s better.
If I was living at the wild, though, I’d be either a Fox…
Or an River Otter. I love those critters. They’re still land mammals, yet they pass their time swimming. Not to mention they are cute too