Wings of a raven, stylish and practical, but keeping my arms as well…not sure if flight is possible with wings on the back of a human, but one can dream. Otherwise I can’t really think of anything, except maybe that semi-joke item in Disgaea
Ugh, no. It would probably not turn out the way you wanted, with complications like brain damage, your organs not functioning properly, or your immune system working to fight the alien parts. There’s also the matter of cats and other animals having a toally different number of chromosomes, and even if we could isolate the gene that encouraged growing of fur or tails, there would be nowhere to insert it into our currently existing 46 chromosomes.
If the wingspan were that wide you’d have to have a very large bulk of muscle (like a giant lump or something on your back) there to provide the power to move the wings, considering that human bones are quite dense and are definetly not made for natural flying. There’s also the matter of controlling that bulk of muscle, which the human brain is definetly not made for, and is impossible unless you somehow reroute the entire nervous system.
People are really too heavy for flying without some really big damn wings. I can’t really think of any animal features that would really be useful, although being able to spit venom at people at a certain charm.
There’s always room for improvement :ah-ha!: let’s see…
-improved lung capacity. Maybe something along the lines of the lungs of an aquatic mammal. 30 minutes between breaths has to be an advantage.
-more to the point, why not gills? amphibians rule!
-tougher hides, like an elephant’s. Perhaps armour plating?
-some animals can see in infra-red and UV. Let’s have that too.
-Heightened sense of smell and hearing. Kind of like dogs’.
-Randomly increased IQ and mental capacity, because we can.
-Backup functions for all major internal organs- don’t go down without a fight
-there’s probably loads more, but I’m surte you get my gist