
Loki, Son of Farbauti and Laufey, blood-brother of Odin the Allfather, I who have fooled both giants and dwarves, men and Gods, thief and restorer of Idun’s Apples, father of unspeakable beasts and men alike, husband of faithful Sigyn, paramour of the Goddesses, Father of Lies, maker of mischief, hairclipper, companion of Thor, Slayer of Baldr, humbly request (as a messenger from the Gods… why do you think I’m not tied up?) that you make a TRIBUTE to us.

Do I necessarily mean Meeeeee… well… no… but it would be nice. I don’t even necessarily mean other Norse Gods. That means Greek, Aztec, or heck, even those dour Egyptians… though they give me the creeps, frankly. shiver

This tribute can be in the form of poetry, a short story, a drawing, photoshop, a play… whatever you think would please that God the most (or what you are best at).

And don’t let the other Gods fool you- I, Loki, God of Fire, thought this up all my lonesome- although Bragi had to convince them for me. But you might ask WHY I’m doing this- well… I like art. All kinds of art- and it is my belief that we Gods have kinda been ignored over the past thousand years or so, and that’s a bloody shame (providing some inspiration for artists isn’t that bad an idea either).

All of you who contribute shall also receive a blessing from me- and have your work (of course) exposed to everyone.

I plan to contribute as well, so if nobody plans to do this (and by Nastrand, I thought it would be fun).

I’ll stop rambling now. titters

Yea, though I despise you, Loki, Traitor o the Gods, your idea sounds just, and I shall contribute. My artistic rendering skills are poor, but the tales I shall weave shall mesmerize and astound all who listen! …Just gimem a coupla days to think of sumtin.

I just got me a scanner so I’ll try to make something if I have time.

I am not a traitor.

The Gods were spending too much time using Baldr as a diversion, and not enough time doing their JOB. Yes- I did kill him- but if they did not then the jotun could have invaded at any moment- while they were throwing rocks at him.

And I wasn’t even punished for THAT. I was punished for insulting the Gods. Us Gods are weird like that. Kill someone? Meh. INSULT ME? WELL YOU’RE FUCKED NOW!

But I’m out now. grins

And remember, you cannot kill me. I am destined to be slain by Heimdall- so don’t even try.

You may be destined to die by Heimdall’s hand, but that doesn’t mean I can’t try anyway.

Okay. Cool. Just don’t insult me at dinner or we’ll have you tied by your son’s entrails with poison dripping on your face. We’re so fair. :slight_smile:

Damn. Still don’t have time for new stories. But I guess my use of Loki in the last RPGC Xmas counted, no? :ah-ha!:

I also used several gods and goddesses (including Loki, plus a few fictional ones) in FATAL FANTASY, tough the credit there must be shared with Val, Omega, PC, X-Hunter, and the rest of my fellow Role-players.

BTW, Roun, err, I mean, Loki: you ever read the anthology “Gods of War?” It was one of those paperbacks with a story serving as a “frame” and the other parts written by a different author each.

The “frame” was that a new War God was born to embody Modern Warfare, and the other deities (from different pantheons) telling him their stories.

Loki had a VERY important part. :slight_smile:

(This is old -90s, I think- but maybe you can find it on Ebay.)

Neil Gaiman also wrote about me in the book “American Gods” (heh… try and find me early <.<) and I’m a character in his Sandman comic series.

And about your fanfic… those weren’t very nice things to accuse me of… I’m innocent… really I am… snicker

This sounds most interesting indeed. I adore mythology, and of it all I hold Norse in highest regard. Indeed, the only thing I like more is the legends and mythology created by Tolkien, which themselves are drawn in part from the earlier myths and legends set down by the Norse and such. I know I’m pretty well new on these forums, but I wager I could at least attempt to write a Norse story.
In regards to Loki: a quick tongue did not avail you at the end. Your lips were You are as guilty as may be of Baldur’s death. And let us not forget that though you are not fated to die until Ragnarok for, though you will captain Hela’s armies upon the Vigrid fields, there you must die; but of the Aesir your enemies, some at least will remain. The sons of Thor, your mortal enemy, will live. As will Vidar, and Vali the Avenger. And even Baldur, whom you so wickedly slew will yet live, returning from Helheim with his brother (who, I must remind you, truly slew Baldur, for you were too cowardly to do the deed yourself!). And though you may be the god of fire, it will not be yours that burns the earth at last; Surtur, the demon of fire out of Muspellheim, will do that deed.
But enough for now of the Norse. I will attempt to write a short story. I have already begun one, but only have one question: precicely how much must it involve the gods? Must they be the central character? Or could it be, as occurs in the telling of some myths, some hero or such? In the tale of Sigurd the gods are not in the forefront, yet they are most certainly there as a force behind the tale. Could it be told so? With occurances in Asgard and such, but with the tale focusing on the life of a mortal which the gods watch with interest?

Truth be told, it does not even have to be involved in it. It is a work of art in TRIBUTE to any God or Goddess from any Pantheon. It SHOULD include them, or at the very least themes that would make sense for the God or Pantheon you choose (for example, it would be appropriate to write a gory tale of war for Ares, but highly inappropriate for… say… Anubis).

If you wish to structure this like a myth, which I would HIGHLY respect you for, then having the tale focus on the life of a mortal would be highly appropriate. However, any mortal that you create cannot be a demigod. If you want to write a tale about a demigod, they should be a pre-existing one (such as Heracles… and no that is NOT a typo- it’s the Greek spelling =p).

And do not judge me as evil before you have heard my side of the story… which will bring me to MY submission. :slight_smile:

Uh ok, Norse eh? Well here’s Grimmukkrakkl, the grim.

Please Accept my Sacrificial Offering!
<img src=“http://ethnikoi.org/sacrifice.jpg”>

[QUOTE=Hades Shinigami]Please Accept my Sacrificial Offering!

lmao- you didn’t make that yourself though =(

EDIT: And although it was funny at first, I find myself deeply, deeply disturbed and saddened at that picture.

DOUBLE EDIT: Gila- Odin loves the picture- and your sense of humour. ;p

I would imagine Odin would, though for the most part being killed by the spear or hanging is more special to him.
I’m still working on my story. What exactly is considered “short”? Because to me that would mean a good 10,000 words, probably. I don’t think I can write too much shorter than that. It’s likely 2,500 right now already. I think it’s “quasi-myth”; it has the more omniscient view of myth at times, but at others is a little more descriptive of feelings and such.

When going with fiction- this is my advice:

Write as many words as you need to, no more and no less.

Poor Grimmukkrakkl gets no respect.

Oh, sorry. Let’s see, what exactly is he? A swart-elf? Shape-shifting magician who has given himself fiery eyes and blue skin? A Jotun? Or maybe a Troll? The last strikes me as most plausable, I think. Giants are dangerous and grim, yet by nature of the skulls that he wears he cannot be of the Jotun race: unless he has shifted smaller through magic, he is far too small. In the same manner he is too big for an elf or dwarf. So maybe a magician, though the horns betray an ancestry somewhat removed from the Norse tradition. I would wager it’s a Troll; even the name sounds somewhat Trollish, unless I’m mistaken. And that forest behind him might be Mirkwood (not the one from the Lord of the Rings; Mirkwood is, apparently, in old northern European myths a great dangerous forest wherein Trolls and such live). Anyway…am I right? Is it a Troll?
Oh, and in regards to fiction writing…yes, I realise that. I only have a tendancy for somewhat of a formal style in most of my writing, and it can at times become long.

psh you’re waaaaaaaay off. Troll? this guy fears no fire. he lives in the deep dark abysmal woods of Frozeichsteyurg.

Ah, I get it! He’s not Norse at all! That name sounds distinctly German, so I would then think that he’s of more of a Teutonic, Germanic, or Gothic myth, or something to that sort. In that case I suppose it might still border on Norse, though unless I’m mistaken there are some differences in names, such as Odin being Wotan.
I’m still working on my story, but here’s the first paragraph so you get an idea of the style in which I’m writing it:

Long ago before the waning of the Aesir, and long before the shadow of the great battle to be fell over gods and men, there lived a man. Or, rather, a prince, for he was the son of a king in the Northlands. At birth he had been named Sigmund, in memory of that king of old whom Odin had favored. Yet as he grew to manhood it was swiftly seen that he bore none of the greatness that had marked his namesake. While his elder brother, the prince Gunnar, strove ever to better his warskill, whether with sword or spear, Sigmund shunned such things. Rather he took to wandering the fields and fjords, and was loath to draw up a sword even in play. This greatly distressed his father, who knew that the time would come when Sigmund would need to ride into battle; if he should be a coward even there, would Odin deny his son a place at the table of warriors in the hall of Valhalla?

It’s much longer than that, of course. That’s just the introduction.