Loki, Son of Farbauti and Laufey, blood-brother of Odin the Allfather, I who have fooled both giants and dwarves, men and Gods, thief and restorer of Idun’s Apples, father of unspeakable beasts and men alike, husband of faithful Sigyn, paramour of the Goddesses, Father of Lies, maker of mischief, hairclipper, companion of Thor, Slayer of Baldr, humbly request (as a messenger from the Gods… why do you think I’m not tied up?) that you make a TRIBUTE to us.
Do I necessarily mean Meeeeee… well… no… but it would be nice. I don’t even necessarily mean other Norse Gods. That means Greek, Aztec, or heck, even those dour Egyptians… though they give me the creeps, frankly. shiver
This tribute can be in the form of poetry, a short story, a drawing, photoshop, a play… whatever you think would please that God the most (or what you are best at).
And don’t let the other Gods fool you- I, Loki, God of Fire, thought this up all my lonesome- although Bragi had to convince them for me. But you might ask WHY I’m doing this- well… I like art. All kinds of art- and it is my belief that we Gods have kinda been ignored over the past thousand years or so, and that’s a bloody shame (providing some inspiration for artists isn’t that bad an idea either).
All of you who contribute shall also receive a blessing from me- and have your work (of course) exposed to everyone.
I plan to contribute as well, so if nobody plans to do this (and by Nastrand, I thought it would be fun).
I’ll stop rambling now. titters