I want to fucking cry

What makes me cry is the intolerance portrayed by the general populous, specifically here, in this case.

Let religious fundamentalists do whatever the fuck they want. I don’t give a shit if some guy makes a museum about how he thinks mankind evolved from an alien who jizzed into a puddle on earth while cruising through the universe. Nobody’s forcing you or anybody else to visit their museum or believe what they believe, so why do y’all constantly feel the need to hassle them about it?

Because this harms our fucking society. Denouncing the intolerance presented here is fucking retarded because this kind of shit needs to not be encouraged. Society needs to move away from this kind of thing. As funadementalist influence continues to grow and warp society, we approach becoming a society like that in Saudi Arabia and Iran. Lies and propaganda need to be disposed of. There’s a difference between fact and truth. While I’m not going to go into the philosophy behind that, the facts should not be muddled with the perceived truth the undeducated and blind subject themselves to. In the same way anti-semitism needs to be rejected because it degrades society, such endeavours need to be rejected in order to promote an appropriate environment for the future’s kids.

Its not because something becomes “culture” that it is becomes “acceptable”. Genocide in other countries is not excusable because it is “culture”. Human rights violations in other countries should not be excusable because it is “culture”. People bitch about Abu Graib because it was supposed to not be in our “culture” to torture people but if you look at other “cultures” like in Iran, human rights violations are the way to go. This kind of assinine bigotry and idiocy needs to be renounced in the same way before the shit hits the fan. Fanatical religious influence is a pox on any society.

Oh, OK. When you put it that way, perhaps you should go on rampages anytime anybody does anything you disagree with, because from your single point of view, it must be a poison to society. After all, as a single individual, you have infinite wisdom on all subjects, and your point of view is all that really matters. Hell, let’s burn down all the churches, synagogues and Mosques while we’re at it. Yeah, and let’s make Christians fight lions in large colosseums for our own entertainment. After all, religion is just opium for the masses, and needs to be completely eradicated, lest society completely crumble and mankind be destroyed.

But seriously, if anything’s harmful to society, it’s a hateful attitude toward other groups of people. All you’ve done is just insult a majority of people in the world (including calling MY point of view “fucking retarded”, which is absolutely reprehensible, especially since I do respect you, despite your unabashed hatefulness of all that I hold dear). Think about it. Disagreement is one thing, but is going about it the way you are going about it going to do more harm or more good? You’ll never convince anybody of your point of view by insulting their intelligence and intrinsic value.

There’s a difference between blatant hate-groups and fundamental Christians. I’m perplexed that you are unable to see that…

“There’s a difference between fact and truth. While I’m not going to go into the philosophy behind that, the facts should not be muddled with the perceived truth the undeducated and blind subject themselves to”. It is completely irrelevant whether individuals believe something is important or not if it is completely based on lies and in itself leads to complications within our society (we have a lot of problems in terms of science and medecine that have come up in the past 4 years - these problems should not exist without just cause and people’s “beliefs” in things that are not based on facts has absolutely no right to interfere in the lives of others and the progress of society and the society’s position in the world). How does this park create more problems? Because it expands the problem. It provides support and helps solidify and give validity to the baseless stance presented by religious fanatics within society. This is something that must be avoided at all costs, like the validity of anti-semitism. There is no point in trying to convince a bigot or a racist or any other kind of fanatic of anything because these people are blind to facts. The point is not to convince those who create the problems by interfering where they should not but to do damage control and to prevent their expansion.

I didn’t know that religious people were cavemen that do not believe in science and medicine. Thanks for the heads up.

You don’t need to be omniscient to be able to realize the bible or any other religious work should not be taken litterally. Fact is to sensation what truth is to perception. Facts must be separated from what some consider truth in the same way topics like evolution needs to be separated from religious perceptions of truth.

Heh, sorry for the edited post, but since you do it so often, I need to do it too in order to make my own responses actually make sense. =P

Also, when you say that the Bible should not be taken literally, are you talking about just the Old Testament, the New Testament, anything miraculous, historical information, the whole thing, or what?

we’re full up… go to Belgium instead,

Any religious work. According to the bible (including old testament), the earth is 4000 years old. We know otherwise. And I apologize, I didn’t mean to make you feel I said you were fucking retarded.

From a religious point of view, I’d like to see what the Garden of Eden actually looks like.
I’d also like to hear them explain, from a fundamentalist point of view, how the dinosaurs died since Noah was commanded to bring every animal on earth aboard the ark.

However, I don’t think they themselves fully understand their bible. I just learned in my Bible in Modern Contexts class that the Tower of Babylon were actually Babylonian ziggurats. They were built up in the mythology of the bible as something evil because the Babylonians conquered the Israelites. The Israelites wanted to keep their history and faith alive so, to turn people towards synagogues and away from ziggurats, they created the Tower of Babylon.

Also, this part:

A display showing ancient Babylon will deal with the Tower of Babel and "unravel the origin of so-called races’’
Seems to be teaching racist ideas.

Cavemen that didn’t believe in medecine? What about the people that let their kids die because they don’t take em to doctors since God should do it? Or the religious influence into stem cell research? Or the religious influence on American politics and society that led to massive losses in research funding because of pointless wars?

There’s a waste of $25 million dollars.

Coulda been worse spent, though I suppose…

This is just wrong, on so many levels.

I personally don’t have a problem with these people believing whatever the hell they want to believe, that’s their business. But to throw their views (so clearly wrong views, as well) in everyones face like this, is just plain terrible.


ERm Thirded?!!

BN, 2k + Aerith
What about the Souls??

Step 1: Take a megaphone.
Step 2: Stand on it’s doorstep.
Step 3: Laugh and point.

This isn’t as horrible as it’s made out to be. Granted, fundamentalists like this are annoying bastards, but they have the right to blow their money trying to unsuccessfully bring people over to their cult=like form of Christianity.

The operative word is “unsuccessful,” and it’s not true. Religious fundamentalism is worming its way into the Northeast of America too. Its corruptive influence has infiltrated even my family. It’s a sad thing to see.

I used to be somewhat tolerant of religious views, and said that in a debate science and religions should both have their say. I no longer think that. Someone here once said that they saw no reason that science and religion could not coexist. That is nonsense. The observation and recording of the physical laws of the universe and their effects on our lives is at complete odds with the tenets of “faith” of any kind. The two sides can not agree. Religion today serves to foster a rabid anti-intellectualism amongst many people. I believe the struggle between science (“reality”) and religion (superstition) is nothing less than full-out war. I’m obviously on the side of science.

Hahahahahahahahahhahaahhahahahh!!! I’m sorry if I offend any of you fundamentalist scientists out here by laughing my ass off at this thread, but I find it hillarious.
Also RPT, while in a better world, science might be able to win that war, but as it is a lot of people just want absolutes, which religion gives them as opposed to the lack of solidity that science has. I have no problem with them living together so long as the Holy Books aren’t taken completely seriously and people see the metaphor’s there.

How many people (and kinds of people) do you think will even go to this park? Probably not many, and the vast majority of them will already hold to the Creationist point of view. Of those non-Creationists, I doubt that any of them would be converted (the only exception being the children of Creationists who will probably come to hold those beliefs anyway). Then there’s questioning how many people will go to a theme park in Kentucky unless it’s about some country singer? Not many, unless they already subscribe to the views being reported. Besides, at least it’s not in the school, right? You wanted Creationism out of the school, so it now has its own private museum.

And Sin, the Bible doesn’t say the Earth is 4000 or 5000 or however many years old. That’s a figured reached by some religious scholar adding up the various ages of the prophets from who begat whom. There has been another piece written in the past decade that denounces this point of view stating the Bible purposefully skips some generations of non-important or noteworthy individuals.

What annoys me is not that a place like this will exist. I’ve never had a problem with people exploring their own views and beliefs, or even presenting them to the public.

But making a big ‘museum’, which implies historical fact, and presenting it as direct opposition to evolutionism, rather than another possible option, only highlights their intolerance.

I know that they’re going to present everything in that ‘museum’ as fact, not belief. And that is potentially very dangerous.

The UK might not be great, but if I lived in the US, I can honestly say I’d really resent being forcefed Christianity as a viable ‘science’ :\