I want chicken, I want liver...

<center><img src=“http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B000099T3U.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg”></center>

It’s just going to translate everything into “meow”.

Originally posted by Jing
And people are really bought the dog ones?
twitchesAYB!twitch twitch

Why do we need a translator? I already know what every cat is saying/thinking:

“If I were just a little bit bigger, and you a little bit smaller, I would eat you.”


If my cat could talk I swear there would be nothing but put-downs from dusk till dawn :stuck_out_tongue:

To quote Maneko’s sig at BnG, “Someday your cat will kill you. You have been warned.”

Uh, actually, I’m pretty sure it’s “eat.”

No, it’s definitely “kill.”

It makes a real big difference, huh? =^.^=

Shutting up now!

Oi that is silly. Especially if people espect it to be real.

Why bother? I know exactly what my cats want already. They always want food, if they come to you they want attention (and food), otherwise they want to be left alone. That’s it.

When my cat wants attention, she goes into the basement, or at least the downstairs livingroom, and yowls loud enough that I can hear it across the house.

Whenever my cats want attention, they jump all over me and start meowing really loud right in my ear and biting my cheek. If I happen to be reading anything at the time too, they lie down right on top of the book.

Still, I don’t mind, they’re cute ^__^.

Always remember this: To them, you are the food-bringer and litter-changing. Nothing more.

There’s already one for dogs.

<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> It’s called English, you capitalist pigdogs.

My cat doesn’t need a device to make himself understood.

Figaro: “You are all idiots. And I’m hungry.”