<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/subsites/twistedrpg/images/hero/rirse.gif”> Yes, the A-Team is coming out on dvd. While that would not be a big deal, but remember one thing…Mr. T is in it! And Mr. T is a friend of Macc and RPGC, so let us praise this release by buying it or something. :suckah:
The A-Team was great. It never ceases to amaze me how those guys can build explosives and artillery out of everyday objects. And Mr. T and Hannibal kicked ass.
What do you mean it wouldn’t be a big deal? I’ve seen maybe two full episodes, and I know how awesome it is. In one, they made muffins, and mixed in gunpowder, and used them for ammo in a cannon. Exploding muffins! Frickin’ awesome!
The what?
<a href>
… I still have no idea what the A-Team/Mr. T is about save drinking milk, protecting youth centers, talking in ebonics and throwing things helluva far.
Guh, the A-team. I saw an episode of that once, it was so horrible it was good x.x
I pity the foo who don’t buy this and <a href=“http://maccshq.rpgclassics.com/farts/episode6-6.shtml”>my other products</a>!
I’m with Maccster T on this one. Y’know, once, I heard that he chose the wrestling name “Mr. T” so that “white men’d have to call me ‘mister’” or somethign like that …
I ain’t gettin’ on no plane Hannibal!
All I can say is, it’s about damn time they released the A-Team on DVD.
That’s just WRONG.