I miss Bomberman

I have never read nor heard about it after his first game for N64. I am specially interested in computer games, if there are any besides Atomic Bomberman.

I liked the way it was untill Super bomberman 4… Never liked AB and the game for N64.

I heard that a new one recently came out for the Cube, but I havn’t heard anything as to it’s quality.

But NONE of them beat Super Bomberman 2, in my oppinion. One of the best party games EVAR. :hahaha;

Generations (GC) isn’t too bad… I rented it once; the multiplayer/mini-games aren’t too bad. The dodge one on infinity and hard comps can get to be quite fun, if repeitive. Didn’t really do much for the single-player, though.

My favorite is… Well there is a tie between Super Bomberman 2 & 3.

I’d comment, but your thread has reawakened old memories of Multi-player Bomberman 1 on the SNES with a multitap and friends. Must go to old second-hand game shops and hunt them down again. ^^;;

Originally posted by Pierson
I’d comment, but your thread has reawakened old memories of Multi-player Bomberman 1 on the SNES with a multitap and friends. Must go to old second-hand game shops and hunt them down again. ^^;;

Yes, I spent many hours of my life doing that. I miss that time badly.

I’ve never cared for any Bomberman games until I spent some evenings last semester playing Super Bomberman 1 with a multitap and friends. :stuck_out_tongue: That was cool even though I wasn’t particularly good at it.

In the building where I live we were exactly 5 bomberman fans. Multitap allows for 5 players at once. Can’t be a coincidence.

Anyway, as much as Atomic Bomberman sucked, it was cool because you could get 10+ (don’t remember the exact amount) bombers playing at the same time. Although it was really bad when you were the first to die.

You know what we need?

Bomberman Online. :yipee:

Originally posted by GG Crono 4
[b]You know what we need?

Bomberman Online. :yipee: [/b]


Does it really exist? Show me!!!

Bomberman was THE first party game. Yes, it had single player, but it sucked compared to having a bunch of friends around. Too bad I didn’t have any friends…

Originally posted by Ren

Does it really exist? Show me!!! [/b]

No, sorry to say, it doesn’t. I was just saying that it’d be really nice.

Gaming companies should have people like US on their development team instead of the people who say “Oooh, let’s make another Street Fighter! People will buy that!”

actually, I do remember seeing a 2 player online simulation of Bomberman somewhere… I don’t recall where though >_>

Originally posted by GG Crono 4
[b]You know what we need?

Bomberman Online. :yipee: [/b]

I’d give up sex for that.

<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> There were two N64 Bomberman games. They both sucked, though.

The latest one is Bomberman Generations for the GameCube. I own it. It’s okay, but that is only because of the multiplayer modes.

I thought ZSNES allowed online play, and therefore, allowed Super Bombermen?

Originally posted by Tenchimaru Draconis
<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> There were two N64 Bomberman games. They both sucked, though.

There were three, accualy, but one of them, Bomberman Hero, was more adventure-oriented and didn’t have VS. mode.

And personaly, I rather liked all of them.

As Mabatsekker pointed out…there IS Bomberman online.

Download ZSNES emulator, then get the bomberman 2 ROM…hook-up for netplay and you can do it that way!

I don’t know if that allows for more than 2 players, but if not, 2 is better than 1!

I like the multiplayer on Bomberman. I remember when me and my siblings would play for hours and hours… sigh but it’s not like that anymore… they grow up so fast…