I made it! Wohoo! ^_^

That’s great, don’t worry about the practical exam that’s far easier than the written test.

Thanks, ya’ll :slight_smile:
And a skidpan is an extratest we get to do, one can’t really fail on it unless you crash the car ^^;; Well, it’s a test for ourselves to see how it is to drive on slippery ground - in this case on a big area covered with metal plates sprayed with oil and water. Wheee<small>eeee…</small>

Wow. Sweden is very thorough.

Good job!

I really need to get my liscence too but I need a hell of a lot more practice. I’m still afraid I’m going to hit something.

Great job Weiila!

I really need to get my liscence too but I need a hell of a lot more practice. I’m still afraid I’m going to hit something.

Congratulations, Weiila!

Hmm, sounds like the process of getting a driver’s license is different in your home country. Sounds more through, too.

You actually beat me- yes, at MY age, I STILL don’t have a full permit, only a beginner’s. That’s because every time I’m about to get a car, something happens, I don’t get one, I get pissed, and I end up NOT going to take the full test.

I hope to do it soon, thought.

Say, Wei, you have your own car yet?

Just wait till I get my lisence, the world will be doomed.

That is not likely to happen soon though, since it costs a fortune to get a lisence here. Easily above 10 000 NOK.

And I’m too picky, I wouldn’t drive anything. The cars they sell these days are ugly, I’d want something pre-electric.

I never realized people get their liscences so late.

Nor did I. I can understand some of the non-us people taking them late (I assume you have to be older than in US), but what about the US people waiting so long?

I got mine the day after I turned 16, which is what’s legal in MN…

Could NOT wait…

Yeah I got my Permit on my 15th B-Day and Licsense on my 16th heh. I got home and parents were like “Want to go out to eat and celebrate” i said “Hell no Im going driving” =)

My nephew drives with no insurance, and the paint falling off his 90’ ford tempo, we go to the mall often, one time his battery went dead (a few days ago) and we tried pushing it and wouldn’t you know it, along came the cops. We told them that the battery went dead and can you believe it, they gave us a boost and we were on our way.

Congrats and good luck on the next tests.

I could have gotten a license 3 years ago, but I never cared much about it…

Wil: Nope, I don’t have my own car, it’ll take a weee while longer before that happens…

Originally posted by Dark Paladin
Wow. Sweden is very thorough.

We get a lot of snow. =P We have to learn how to drive when the road is covered in hard-packed snow/ice.

Originally posted by Jing
We get a lot of snow. =P We have to learn how to drive when the road is covered in hard-packed snow/ice.
Here, we have to learn to drive around alligators all the time, but they don’t train us for it.

congrats weiila, well i’ll probably never get my DL cause it’s so fuckin expensive, I’ve got more important things to spend money on anyway, like booze, games and cd’s (especially)

Originally posted by Weiila
I passed my theory driving test today!
Now begins the fun part, driving lessons are much funner than theory ones. Good luck!