I like-a this place.

I love you guys!
hugs Merlin ^______________^

Originally posted by Manus Dei
I only have four reasons to be here. The first three are people (they know who they are) and the fourth one is my fic development. As for the rest, it will take something very strong to make me trust certain people here.

Trust us?

Thats rich.

You can trust us when we can trust you- not going behind all of our backs and making a second account, genius.

My fic writing comes before the rest. Your opinion is irrelevant. You have no moral authority to judge me after the things you did. I trust those who deserve it, and I don’t care about the others. End of conversation.

Originally posted by Manus Dei
You have no moral authority to judge me

I will remember these words the next time you try to judge anyone morally, which you do quite frequently.

<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> You all suck and I secretely plot for your deaths.

TD, It’s not a secret when you tell us on a weekly if not daily basis.

Even me? ;_;

And Glenton, you’re no masochist. I know, I am one.

<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> STOP CRITICIZING ME! NONE OF YOU UNDERSTAND ME! LEAVE ME ALONE!

runs upstairs, locks door to room, and plays the My Little Pony theme really loudly

Whatever. I couldn’t care less.

I am also reminded of something I learned in my philosophy courses:

If you say that I have no “moral authority,” (hereafter referred to as MA) then that implies that either I am a lesser or that we both have no MA. Since I know that I am not your lesser, then we both must have no MA (assuming that your statement is true). Since I would not consider myself the greater or lesser of any human, that would mean that we all had no MA. If we all had no MA, that would mean that we could not condemn anyone for any wrongdoing, or even say that it is wrong. If this is true, then the Holocaust would not be considered a horrible act.

Since the Holocaust was a horrible act, you’re full of shit (okay- that last part I wasn’t taught, thats intuition there).

Despite his whacked out logic, Roun is still pretty damn correct.

sneaks just outside TD’s room, inserts a plastic nozzle on the door knob, and silently laying a big blanket through the crack under the door… I turn a knob on an adjacent gas tank, and start to fill TD’s room with posionous, unsmellable gas…

Maybe you’re right… maybe I am just a better sociopath.

You lost all the right to judge me when you started engaging in vigilantism. You are the one who presumes to be above, and for that you only sink lower.
This ragged excuse for a conversation is over. Your opinion on me is irrelevant, because I don’t care about it.

If you don’t care about my opinion-

why do you keep addressing me?

EDIT: And I do not presume to be above you or anyone. I did not participate in “vigelanteeism” in this thread, Mr. Bush.

That still doesn’t change the fact that he’s right.

Cool off everybody… :slight_smile:

I come to this place for many different reasons…

Manus, you best stop now while you’re behind.

Chill dudes, we’re talking about how much we like this place.

I love you all!! pulls everyone into a giant grouphug

I think my heart rate just soared past 250… :slight_smile:

I think I just threw up… :slight_smile: