I just won the Super Bowl...

so I’m going to Disneyworld! Bye guys, see you on Monday!:smiley:

do you mean the football super bowl, or another super bowl?

Originally posted by Lord Zhou Yu
idiocy in its purest form



Bai, XCG, hope you return a very happy person! :wave:

Awesome! Have much fun- and bring RPGC back some pictures!

Seeya! Make sure you don’t let the still-living head of Walt Disney eat your soul!

Awww I wanna go to Disneyland…

Enjoy yourself… and do me a favor, will ya?

Beat the living hell out of Mickey Mouse. I mean, really hurt the rat!!


<img src=“http://sephy.nulani.net/images/kor.giF”> Have fun, and beware of Donald…he wants to eat your soul…

Say “Lali Ho” to the seven dwarves for me :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know what you’re talking about either; Superbowl? What the fuck are you on about?

Originally posted by Sorcerer
I don’t know what you’re talking about either; Superbowl? What the fuck are you on about?

Its traditional for the MVP of the Superbowl to say he is going to Disney World. I think the MVP, I’m not sure…

No, it was Mark McGuire (sp?) who said it, when he nailed his record breaker.

But, before that, it was said by Joe Montana after another SF football win, at the Superbowl.

It was his utterance that made that phrase famous.

Originally posted by MegamanX2K
No, it was Mark McGuire (sp?) who said it, when he nailed his record breaker.

No- the Super Bowl thing was much older. They were saying this in the seventies. :stuck_out_tongue:

Damn those communist baseball players for misinforming us children!

Heh, about 1/6 of my class is going to Disneyland if they are in any sort of music class for the weekend. It feels kind of empty in all the classes but at least we do less work.

Stay far away from the Duck family: They don’t wear pants. You can’t trust people without pants.