I have seen enough of the babble of “Look at what these idiot Christian sites are saying about RPGs!” on the main forum. The most recent one is not the only one that has occurred, it happens intermittently around here…
The solution I propose is to create a new forum expressly for tossing such silliness around, that way people who want to see it can find it all in one place and those who would rather not be bothered by it need not see it at all.
If we created a forum for every single thing that might offend someone, we’d run out of database space.
But seriously, if you don’t like it, don’t read it, religion and religious zealots are rather excellent source of discussion and debate, to evict that would evict a part of the main forum.
The ToB was for humorous (that can be debatable) and rather pointless and or stupid threads. Religious debates are not stupid and pointless,so I’m with Zero on this one. There are just some topics that will always be touchy, and those topics and bring people together/against each other in a form of heated and mature discussion. It gets out of hand when one is too sensitive or tries to cram their beliefs down another’s throat. Honestly, just ignore it, or take part in it, they’re harmless.
"And lo, on the first day the forum members created the religious thread and it was good.
On the second day the forum members exchanged religions, and shared their beliefs and it was interesting.
On the third day the athiests began mocking the religious posters, and the religious posters began trying to convert the heathens and it was less good.
On the fourth day the posters began to quote bible verses they did not understand in order to reinforce their position and was bad.
On the fifth day the posters stopped listening to one another and merely concentrated on making their own posts as long and non-sensical as possible without respecting anyone elses beliefs but demnanding that their own be acknowledged as truth and it was terrible.
On the sixth day the forums were consumed in all encompassing holy flames and it was awful.
And on the seventh day the mods locked the thread, and it was good." -CH
If you’ve seen enough of them, stop looking at them, we’re not forcing you to. From what I saw, no one on the forum was acting high and mighty, we were just insulting intolerant fanatical zealots and people who are too foolish to realize that the Bible isn’t meant to be taken literally.
And what would this new forum include? Religious topics specifically, or ranom babble in general? Either would be bad and cause for much anger and flaming between the posters.
I’ve never seen any such thread in the main forum. The main reason for this is that they don’t interest me, so I can’t be arsed to look at them, hence I have never seen one. If you are fed up of seeing them, then not looking is something I heartily recommend
Originally posted by demigod
[b]If you’ve seen enough of them, stop looking at them, we’re not forcing you to. From what I saw, no one on the forum was acting high and mighty, we were just insulting intolerant fanatical zealots and people who are too foolish to realize that the Bible isn’t meant to be taken literally.
And what would this new forum include? Religious topics specifically, or ranom babble in general? Either would be bad and cause for much anger and flaming between the posters. [/b]
Correction, insulting intolerant (but as was said, we are also a bit intolerant for bitching about the topic in general) fanatical zealots who are too foolish to realize that they are exagerating EVERYTHING in general, and making a majority of the religious population seem like they are extremely paranoid and knew nothing about what they talk about. For them the Bible IS supposed to be taken literally, but they…how should I say, blow it out of proportion. Or something. That kind of “Oh you’ll go to hell if you do this” attitude disgusts me so i tend to shy away from it.
And yeah if you hadn’t noticed we already had this forum and it was deleted. And not all religious topics are ev0l, you can learn a lot by reading other people’s opinions, theories and point of views. They just get out of hand because like I said, it’s a tocuhy subject and people are quick to get offended. They eventually die out and a week later another springs up in its place. Huzzah. Such is life.
I actually left a forum once because of a deluge of religion threads. Now, mind you, they weren’t nice religious threads and hardly as civil as RPGC’s threads usually are. Rather, every single one was basically “I Hate Christians Because” or “I Hate Religion (ed’s note: actually meant Christianity) Because” or “All of You Are Going to Hell Because.” It got annoying and very boring. I think this forum has a nice amount as long as they remain semi-civil like they tend to be now.
Well, it’s interesting to see a thread bitching about another thread started by someone who has absolutely no sway on whether we can make threads on certain topics. Plenty of us bitch, complain and moan about the “I’m leaving!” threads and some of us have made threads on stopping them and making fun of them but it’s made no difference. Unless an admin tells us that I can’t make a thread of a religious type then you can’t fucking stop anything by making a thread whining about it.
That’s great and all Sin, but you know what’s going to happen now? People are going to start quoting it with your name on it, and then I’ll start flailing my arms and people will laugh and point to this thread.