I hate Christmas.

Thank God it is over.

Christmas always seems to bring out the worst in people. It sickens me to see the commercialism that has taken over what is supposed to be a holy day. Just to make a point, how many of you(Christians) went to church? I’d be shocked if it was even a third of you. It is Jesus’s birthday(not really), but we have managed to pervert it into a day of utter materialism. Combine that with lying to your children (Santa), and bribing them to behave well (Be good or no presents.), and we have a complete bastardization of an inherently good holiday.

Jesus was born to die for your sins, not for your fucking PSP.

Christmas is a joke. Santa, elves, raindeer, lights, wreaths, trees, the colors red and green, none of them have anything to do with Catholicism AT ALL!


How about pray? Anyone think of doing that on Christmas?

Jesus was not born on December 25, mind you.

I know. Thats why I said, “It is Jesus’s birthday(not really)…”

I went to midnight Mass, though not because I’m religious. Not to spit in anyone’s face or whatnot, but I do go for a good purpose.

I prayed <!-- that I got what I wanted for X-mas --!>

I even went to church, and I’m if anything anti-religious. Have to keep the old folks happy, you know.

I didn’t go to church, but I wish I did.

It would have been the only hour of peace and quiet in the whole day.

We intended to go to church. So we got up real early so that we would have enough time get ready after openning presents. It kinda backfired we were so exausted from getting up so early and opening presents that we all dosed off before we could finish. by the time woke up again church was over.

This is America, buddy…taking advantage of holidays is big business. If you don’t want a logo and a copyright on it, then you must be some kinda WHACKED OUT COMMIE FREAK WHO HATES AMERICA. :stuck_out_tongue:

I went to church, like every year, and donated some money.

Not only did I go to church, but I went to the Christmas pagent the kiddies put on. How is that for being pious?

I went to church in the early morning service…and realized that there only three cars there and went back home when my Dad told me they must have canceled it.

Then I felt very, very crappy when my Mom told me that they might have not canceled the second service at all. So, yes, I realized the whole meaning of Christmas, and still messed up. Kind of messed up the day. That, and the fact that it was the first Christmas I’ve had since my parents broke up. That kind of sucked.

Anyway, hating Christmas because of the rabid consumerism that has tried to twist and skew the true meaning of the holiday is like me wanting to hate white people because some of them are racist: It doesn’t make that much sense. Blaming the whole just because someone decided to screw it all up. I prayed and such on Christmas like I do every day, and I don’t despise the holiday because I realize the redeeming factors of it. Bringing family together for one.

Seriously though, Dave, you seemed to have adopted the whole ideology of my Dad, except with less, well, no you cuss too.

I fail to follow your analogy. I hate Christmas because it has been corrupted. I hate what Christmas has become. That doesn’t mean I want to abolish Christmas. I just think it should be observed the way it was intended. (Which it never will.) Sure, bringing families together is all well and good, but I don’t see much redeeming quality beyond that. As for the “Christmas Spirit,” treating others nicely and with respect, we’re supposed to do that all year. Not just the one month that we get presents. That was Jesus’ message, do unto others. Not buy unto others as you would have them buy for you. It should be a day when we show our reverence and honor for a great man and his message of love and peace, not a day when we obsess over material things.

Who doesn’t?

I disagree, I think bringing the family together IS enough to redeem the holiday Dave.

But that’s just me I guess.

I am not Catholic, rather I belong to the Protestant denomination of Christianity called the United Church of Christ, which is pretty much a blend of all different Protestant denominations. However, the church I go to is mostly Lutern. I went to its traditional nightime “Candlelight Service”. I agree 100% that Christmas is commercialized, but I don’t really mind it. What bugs me is those people who indulge in the commercialism and completely ignoring the spiritual meaning of Christmas. I know people who aren’t even Christian who celebrate Christmas just to get gifts. Now that is inexcusable.

Screw you, hippy. I like me my presents. Now, I could go fabricate a holiday all of my own, with just as deep and serious a meaning as some hold to Christmas, and I could get all pissy if someone chose to ignore that meaning and use the holiday to his own ends, but I’d be a weak and selfish person if that forced me to change my own personal interpretation of the holiday.

My family’s not Christian and we don’t believe in Christmas, we just like presents. :smiley:

I know. I fucking loooove presents

I know what you mean, Evil_Dave. I find it hard to get into the spirit of Christmas when it’s all about buying stuff. But I think that a present is a token of how much we appreciate someone. We’ve all gotten crap gifts at some point and we tend to think less of the sender because of them. So when I get someone a gift I think of the person I’m getting it for.