I don't think this has been done before...

I know a lot of threads tend to repeat themselves here, but I don’t think this this type has:

Rate the FF’s in order of your favorite. 1 means favorite and 9 means least favorite. I’m leaving out FF III (J) because I haven’t played it. Here’s mine:

  1. IX
  2. X
  3. VI
  4. V
  5. I
  6. VII
  7. IV
  8. II
  9. VIII
  1. VII
  2. IX
  3. IV
  4. VIII
  5. I
  6. VI :cool:
  7. III
  8. II
  9. V

I haven’t played X

Ok, here goes. I’m leaving out 1, 2 &3, since I haven’t played any of them.

  1. VII
  2. X
  3. VIII
  4. VI
  5. V
  6. IV
  7. IX

There you go, my list.

  1. VIII
  2. VII
  3. IX
  4. X
  5. VI
  6. IV
  7. V

. . . and those are all I’ve played so far.

ok here goes…

  1. VII
  2. VI
  3. IX
  4. IV
  5. V
  6. II
  7. VIII
  8. X

i haven’t played I or III

  1. IX
  2. VII
  3. IV
  4. VIII
  5. VI
  6. III
  7. V
  8. II
  9. I

Just a question: Why did a lot of you rank FF VIII so high? I thought the junctioning system was terrible and having to charge the summons was a pain in the ass.

  1. VII
  2. X
  3. IX
  4. V
  5. VIII
  6. VI
  7. IV
  8. III
  9. I

Note that the only ones I’ve finished are VII and V, and that I’m very far X, IX, and VI. I’ve only played about an hour of VIII and IV, and a few minutes of I and III.

Originally posted by BahamutXero
Just a question: Why did a lot of you rank FF VIII so high? I thought the junctioning system was terrible and having to charge the summons was a pain in the ass.

i totally agree, i just didn’t feel like i was playing a Final fantasy game when i played FF8. what with the crappy junction system. and the game gets a little easy when you don’t have MP!

haven’t played ff3…

  1. VII
  2. IX
  3. X
  4. VIII
  5. VI
  6. I
  7. IV
  8. II
  9. V

Originally posted by SquallStrife
i totally agree, i just didn’t feel like i was playing a Final fantasy game when i played FF8. what with the crappy junction system. and the game gets a little easy when you don’t have MP!

Not <i>every</i> FF has to be the same you know. That would make the whole series repeatitive and boring.

Mystic Quest


Haven;t played the first 3

Meh, this thread has been done before, just not recently.

Originally posted by BahamutXero
Just a question: Why did a lot of you rank FF VIII so high? I thought the junctioning system was terrible and having to charge the summons was a pain in the ass.

Because maybe our opinions differ? ^__~

Seriously, I actually liked the junctioning system, and charging up the summons at least gave you something to do while you were watching the same summoning animations over and over. And even if they weren’t perfect, the storyline and characters and overall epicness of the game blew me away far too much for me to notice.

  1. IX
  2. X
  3. VII
  4. I
  5. VI
  6. IV
  7. V
  8. II
  9. VIII

Never played III.

  1. VII
  2. X
  3. IX
  4. VI
  5. IV
  6. V
  7. I
  8. III
  9. II
  10. VIII
  1. FF 4
  2. FF 5
  3. FF 6
  4. FF 3
  5. FF 7
  6. FF 9
  7. FF 8
  8. FF 1

Yeah, that’s a tie up there for number one. I couldn’t decide which one of those was my favorite. Keep in mind that I like all of these games, just some more than others.

Originally posted by BahamutXero
Just a question: Why did a lot of you rank FF VIII so high?

Obviously because they like it…

  1. VI
  2. IV
  3. VII
  4. V
  5. III
  6. IX
  7. II
  8. I
  9. VIII

I haven’t played FFX. Keep in mind that I really like all the games. So even though FFVIII is the last on my list, I still really like it.

K, here’s my take.

  1. Tactics
  2. 5
  3. 3
  4. 6
  5. Mystic Quest
  6. 9
  7. 4
  8. 7
  9. 1
  10. 10
  11. 2
  12. 8

So there :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s mine. 8)

1.) FF5
2.) FFT
3.) FF10
4.) FF9
5.) FF4
6.) FF7
7.) FF8
8.) FF6
9.) FF3
10.) FF1
11.) FF2
12.) FFMQ