I am a true fan of Silent Hill.

I went to go see Silent Hill in theatres yesterday, and they asked for ID. I figured I could just pass off as an 18 year old, but it didn’t work. I’m not mad at them for that, though, they asked for ID after I purchased tickets, and after purchasing 20$ of snacks.

As soon as they asked for ID, I figured I’d need an adult there so I can get in. With 20 minutes to spare before it began, I quickly rung up my parents via payphone, and got one to come over to the theatre. The theatre is quite a ways.

We went up to the person who rips half the ticket so you can get in, and they still denied me. They have to accompany me into the film if I want to bring a parent.

Knowing that this movie is what I lived for, and knowing that there’d be no allowable way in, I quickly jolted past, flinging my popcorn to confuse them. I got into the theatre, it just began. I sat down after running to hide away from the entrance to the screenroom entrance, and they caught me.

Long story short, I wasted 30$, I have been banned from that theatre, and theatres of the same franchise, and I spent a day in a police department.

I like to say I have no life outside of video-games.

I think a true fan would have eluded the movie theater guards and saw the movie.

I was already late for the movie, due to them being dickwads. I would have gone Solid Snake on them, but I decided against it.

A true fan would’ve prepared for such a contigency and would’ve gotten there early enough to be denied admittance THEN go Solid Snake on their asses.

Hey, I threw pop and popcorn at them. It was under my knowledge that nothing can deflect popcorn.

Like Solid Snake, you should have had a backup weapon. And a disguise.

Instead of popcorn, you should have gotten a bucket of grenades at the snack stand.

The wild theater Popcornus Margarinus will often flock together and scatter in a random pattern to distract and confuse predators.

(Seriously, that sucks. >.> )

Haha, I’m tolly going back to the same theatre tomorrow and seeing the movie anyways. :slight_smile:

I hope you get arrested again.

Nothing is going to stop me from seeing that movie.

It’s a good movie. I’d say what you did was worth it.

Words fail me.

Is there any possibility you could perhaps… Try a different movie theatre that isnt so strict with guidelines? I dunno just an idea.

But then considering you decided to throw POPCORN UP INTO THE AIR and then RUN INTO THE THEATRE-

You’re telling me you didn’t bring a large cardboard box?

I hate to say it, but Silent Hill wasn’t worth the 9 dollars I paid for my ticket. Frankly, while the movie looked great, the story was chopped together and didn’t flow very well.

You’re such an idiot.

I hate to say it, but Silent Hill wasn’t worth the 9 dollars I paid for my ticket. Frankly, while the movie looked great, the story was chopped together and didn’t flow very well.

Regardless, Setz, you’re still an idiot.

Don’t you dare soil the name of silent hill
(I just saw the movie, so it’s still zomg awesome to me right now)

I thought it was amazingly well done, all things considered. I laugh at you, setz. I laugh and mock you for being too young to see it by yourself :smiley:
I had friends who saw it and loved it too, so nyah.

I really liked it… but I do agree with the choppy-ness.

Setz, do you have a team of writers creating these scenarios for you?

  • Camera slowly pans across the theater, showing the backs of the heads of audience members. It stops on a head with strange purple and orange colored hair. *