Hurray up and break up eurozone.

Plantations? You bastard!

Hey! Hey! In the case of Rhode Island, they weren’t that kind of. . . oh, yeah, Portugal. Yeah, that kind of plantation.

It’s Rhode Island’s official name, you spudsucker!


I nominate Germany. Coordination and discipline are, like, our cue words! …what? It’s all about ambition and experience! And US, stay out of our business this time, plzkthx

Fine. But no more sinking our ships when Brittan wants us to supply them for their war effort against you (you know that they’ll never willingly knuckle down under any centralized European government unless they’re running the show).

You know they’re just going to break up in like, 10 years or so.

The British better keep their damn ships away from my paneuropean dominion. I have no ambitions to include them in my EU domination plans; they weren’t/aren’t in the EU to begin with and are always running their own show, so they can keep their bloody island. There’s nothing there but rain and weird little dogs anyway. Well and tea, but you’re the experts when it comes to dumping that stuff into the open sea, we had nothing to do with that.

You’d take the Brits and the Scots if you had to, you just don’t want the Irish. Admit it.

Portugal is alright in my book. Rhode Island can suck a dick because who gives a fuck about them

No deal.

Not true, I like the Irish. Everybody likes the Irish! They may keep their freedom and we’ll be on friendly terms so I can come visit every now and then. Besides, I have an Irish friend who’s a bit of nationalist and he has his own plans for Ireland already (unite the Island, get rid of the English language entirely, exalt revenge on England, apologize to the Picts, go back to a tribal/clan form of “government”, stuff like that) and I’m thrilled to see how that works out.

slams hands down on table dramatically

GENTLEMEN! Do you not see that this is a sign? Clearly, since all other established nations are collapsing, we could take this opportunity to band together and establish our own sovereign state!

Sod that, if the nations are crumbling that means the net will be down for a while.

That’s a lot of porn that needs downloading, dammit.

“From ‘Gateway to Europe’ to ‘Gateway to Porn’: The Irish Miracle of 2012”

That could be one of our exports.

The RPGConfederate States.

RPGConfederacy seems more elegant.

I’m a bit more partial to The RPGConfederation myself.


That’s the nickname for it. The official name is still The RPGConfederate States. It just gets shortened to The RPGConfederacy. Much like how The United States of America is either America or The States.