I find it idiotic that Opera doesn’t support the alt property considering how old it is, but if that’s the case you could just surround each < img > tag with and < acronym titile=""> < /title > tag. Or f you want to get a little more complicated you could do something like this:
function doMouseOverStatus(Text)
//Set status bar text to Text
function doMouseOutClear()
//Clear status bar text
function hyperlink(href)
//Checks to see if a link was provided
//Yes, open the page.
//No, do nothing.
If you just add the above code to your page you get two options for each block of your image:
- If you just want the text in the status bar to change use the following < td > tags (small 2x2 table example)
<td onmouseover=doMouseOverStatus(“This is row 0, cell 0.”) onmouseout=doMouseOutClear()>what ever</td>
<td onmouseover=doMouseOverStatus(“This is row 0, cell 1.”) onmouseout=doMouseOutClear()>what ever</td>
<td onmouseover=doMouseOverStatus(“This is row 1, cell 0.”) onmouseout=doMouseOutClear()>what ever</td>
<td onmouseover=doMouseOverStatus(“This is row 1, cell 1.”) onmouseout=doMouseOutClear()>what ever</td>
That code works perfectly in every version of IE and netscape I’ve tried it in, opera I don’t know but it should work since this window.status property has been around since javascript 1.1 I think.
- if you want to have a large version of each location on your map on a seperate page then you can use the following base for your map (same 2x2 example):
<td onmouseclick=hyperlink(“row0cell0.html”)>what ever</td>
<td onmouseclick=hyperlink(“row0cell1.html”)>what ever</td>
<td onmouseclick=hyperlink(“row1cell0.html”)>what ever</td>
<td onmouseclick=hyperlink(“row1cell1.html”)>what ever</td>
(You can actually leave the onmouseover and onmouseout options for each td, I just ook it out to make it easier to see the code, but you might actually want to have both to make it even clearer to the user)
the way the script is currently written it replaces the current page with the appropriate rowXcellX.html page, but if you want you could always just change the hyperlink function and replace the document.location with a window.open(href)
This is probably a little closer to what you had in mind at the beginning, anyway I hope this helps