hye how r u?
points to signature
You know what to do.
hye how r u?
points to signature
You know what to do.
Kagato, I’m not going to think of clicking those until you make them hyperlinks, just because I don’t want to have to waste valauble seconds of my life copying and pasting text into my address bar.
Hello and wlcome to the realm of the doomed
Since I’m tired. I’ll just say this.
I’m a tad unprepared for this so I got no random celebrities to show (Usually I post Fonzie in welcome topics)
I guess there’s not much for me to say except:
“Welcome” and “You must bring us… A shrubbery!”
pounces Rubicante and chews on his head
Sharp wit, here hands a sugar cookie
Welcome to RPGC. If you’re interested in Final Fantasy at all, I invite you to check out the FFCompendium .
I know I said I wasn’t going to use this image anymore, but I haven’t anything better to post.
Hello and welcome:hahaha;
steals Rubicante’s shoes
Hey, an apparently intelligent newb over 16… Nice.
Welcome to RPGC. Here, have a cookie.
Enjoy your stay.
Nice sig quotes, btw.
Hey, yo, uh… watch out for Steve.
Gemini: Hiya! I’m Gemini, the site’s crazy guy (well, we all re) slash RPG News Reporter slash Blue Gender fanatic. slash, wait, no Slash smiley from CT!!! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!
Frog: That’s right, I killed him recently!
Gemini: Watch it, Gl-, I mean, Frog! Then how come there’s a Flea Smiley?
Frog: 'Cause I didn’t kill her
Flea: Wait!!! I’m a GUY!!!
Gemini: Anyhoose! Welcome to RPGC, our place of locos!
Originally posted by BlackMagetyDeath
Hey, yo, uh… watch out for Steve.
Eh, Steve!!
Hey man, welcome to RPGC. I’m one of the most sane people here, so take my advice: Don’t take anything here too seriously. We’ve lost too many people that way.
have a fun time Rubicante, and Dante’s Inferno is a good read.
does the welcome dance