How was your Halloween?

Tell me about your Halloween if you like, or complain about how terrible it was.

I had the most wonderful time that I have had in years. I myself went to a country-western carabet with my friend Danielle and her friend Sterling. I wore my lederhosen and intended to be a Bavarian Oktoberfest-goer, although I was more frequently mistaken for Frodo Baggins because of my leather waistcoat. My friend Danielle intended to dress up as a fish, but she ended up resembling a sexy ocean goddess of sorts because of her scintillating and flowing dress.

I must say that I was very doubtful about a country-western establishment (I am not partial to country music), although I ended up having a wonderful time because I was dancing (they played plenty of funk and disco, too). The cover charge was very low, the drinks quite reasonable and the patrons very friendly (Danielle introduced me to her friends) and I met others myself.

Mine was actually really good. I went downtown with a friend of mine, and we met her sister there for dinner. Gotta love the Athens restaurants. After that, we met up with a group of friends and walked around downtown (everyone being in costume- I actually was Frodo Baggins though some people thought I was Harry Potter -_-). We went to a bunch of different bars and such, and I saw my Japanese teacher and her husband at one.

Mine had it’s ups, and a lot more downs, but I’m not gonna say. Just revel in that my halloween was “ok”.

Went to a party… Not the best I could’ve gone to, but my friends were there. Good stuff.

Went to a LAN party.
Played CS with one of the many german exchange students that are at our school.
Got to shoot people, they were attempting to egg the house, with paintball guns.
Kicked. Ass.

I ended up doing this youth rally play. Wasn’t all that bad.

You. SUCK. I so wanted to shoot people with paintball guns (I have good aim too (don’t ask how I got to be such a good shot >.>)). Damn my lack of money/friends with paintball guns.

Played Soul Calibur II at a friend’s house :smiley:

I was at this party, and someone decided to play some variant of hide a seek, and a girl and guy went to hide and no one had found them by the time I left, which was a good 45 minutes later. And there was basically no where to get lost/killed. We all know what they were doing :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, they sure were patient and good at hiding!!!

Originally posted by Kagon
Mine was actually really good. I went downtown with a friend of mine, and we met her sister there for dinner. Gotta love the Athens restaurants. After that, we met up with a group of friends and walked around downtown (everyone being in costume- I actually was Frodo Baggins though some people thought I was Harry Potter -_-). We went to a bunch of different bars and such, and I saw my Japanese teacher and her husband at one.

Haha because you’re SHORT! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, my halloween was aight. It was my birthday, and to celebrate I went with two close friends to a really cheap bad chinese restaurant and swap MAXIMUM POWER stories (obviously an injoke, ask me if you really wanna know :P). That was really fun and cool. Then afterwards we went to see that horrible remake of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre with some other friends, went to somebody’s house, and chilled there for the rest of the day.

-Mazrim Taim

Mine was bad. It started out good, cause I was drunk, but then I ended up getting jumped by a bunch of oriental kids, and my backpack got stolen. Plus I got really sick. Yeah, that was real fun.

Hmm, it was pretty fun. :smiley:

Me and fellow RPGC staffer Green Mage went to a party that we got invited to by a friend. It wasn’t the conventional high-school party (with drugs and long make-out sessions :P), it was more like a kickback with like 15-20 people, so it was nice. My friend’s garage band played, and they were pretty good :smiley: After that, me, GM, my pal Adam, and some of his other random friends all went to rent a movie (Jason X, I think it was called?), and we watched it. It was a horrible movie, but at the very least, it was horrible in a very funny, entertaining way :stuck_out_tongue: After that, Me and GM went out for Jack in the Box, and that was that. It was fun.

I blame it on the decent movie ban of 20-eleven-36…ty.

Hey guys, let’s engage in some pre-marital sex! Oh, what the? You stuffed me in a sleeping bag and are using me to beat another person to death? Oh what the? You’re smashing me against a tree? It’s gunna take more than a poke in the ribs to take this old dog down! Urgh… and that’ll do it.

It’s not my fault that you’re FREAKISHLY TALL MAZRIM! =P

Eh, I figured the remake was going to be bad, so I went and saw Kill Bill the next day instead. Much better choice =P

I enjoyed the first bit… sitting at home giving out (month old) candy and pennies to kids who came knocking and watching some film.

Then they stopped coming and I got bored. I couldn’t use the internet in case my brother phoned (we’re on dialup) so I went upstairs and moped untill I went to bed.

Though technically not on Halloween, there was a huge block party on Nov. 1 which i went to. Everyone was still dressed up. All in all it was good.

Originally posted by Mazrim Taim
[b]I went with two close friends to a really cheap bad chinese restaurant and swap MAXIMUM POWER stories (obviously an injoke, ask me if you really wanna know :P).

-Mazrim Taim [/b]

Maz, is your name Max, by the way? :stuck_out_tongue:

And I live in Finland. Long story short.

Good. Went to a party and it was fun. Then we danced in a steak in shake parking lot. Fairly crazy.

What halloween?