How does a light-gun work?

That, and that other topic, were the best topics ever.

Thanks for correcting me, I was just taking a stab in the dark.

Lot’s of meat you say? Sounds wonderful!

By lot’s of meat, do you mean, obesity, or like, lot’s of meat? As in food?

I knew about how light worked. But I learned about it in my art college, not in my shitty Kentucky school system.


I thought Black Holes could slow light down…

I know, I was joking.

As in food. We are somewhat healthy about what we eat but the Sunday barbecue (What we call “asado”) is our version of the English five 'o clock tea. Except ours actually tastes good.

Sunday Barbecue… mmm…

Myself I always thought it to be using infrareds, like a remote. But meh…

I thought Black Holes could slow light down…

Not really. It’ll slow down time, not light.

Yea, posting is fun.

And whoever brought up the slowing of light (984?), light’s speed is theoretically not constant. A current theory is that light’s speed slows down with the expansion of the universe. The speed that we “know” it at today will not be the speed of light 5 million years or so in the future. Unfortunately, there isn’t much documentation on it. (Actually, i take that back, there is alot of information, however much of it is biased, because creationists use this theory to discredit the notion of an expanding universe). And since this would ruin Einstein’s theory of special relativity, it doesn’t get much attention from modern physicists.

Afterall, the “speed of light” is calculated by taking the square root of the inverse of the product of the electromagnetic intensity in the area and… damn, I can’t remember the other one right now. But it is based on two factors in the space it is contained in, so if you change any of those, you can change the speed of light.

The speed of light is not constant, this fact is not even debated. The speed of light in a vacuum, that is what is constant in the theory of relativity. Light is slower when traveling through different mediums, such as water or air for example.

How so, Vorpy? Light isn’t matter, so how can it go slower in say, water? It cannot go slower in matter: it causes no friction against the object, 'cause only one object is matter. Yeah, I don’t know what I’m talking about.

Light isn’t matter only because it hass no mass. It’s still made of particles called photons, though, and when they bump into things they’re still effected.

What Hades said. Enough gravity can shift the photons’ movement making them go faster, slower and do crazy stunts like on black holes.