Babies don’t have memories of anything younger than 3, thankfully.,,30200-12863870,00.html
Babies don’t have memories of anything younger than 3, thankfully.
Still, there must be some reason the baby was attacked by 30 other babies. They know something…
:thud: :thud: :thud: :thud: :thud:
What the hell?
Just because they don’t remember it doesn’t mean it won’t affect him. Little Albert… shudders
WHAT THE HELL??? What kind of babies are they,canibals? but seriously thought what would make a dozen children bite another one?
Thats just fucked up =(
<img src=“”> Yeah, I read about that in the paper. They eat their wounded.
scratches head
What the fuck ? O_o
I can’t remember anything behind 5, but whoa that’s fucked up.
Originally posted by Cybercompost
Just because they don’t remember it doesn’t mean it won’t affect him. Little Albert… shudders
:thud: Thx, i had been trying to forget him… *hears crying in head
Jeez… something had to be wrong there :thud: and babies can remember a long way before 3, if the event is important enough/traumatic enough (I can remember Christmas Day when I was 2, for example), and they were conscious of what was going on, which hopefully this baby wasn’t… :too bad;
Thats fucked up.
And who the hell is Little Albert?
Originally posted by Cloth Hat
What the hell?
Just because they don’t remember it doesn’t mean it won’t affect him. Little Albert… shudders
And who the hell is Little Albert?
If I recall, some psychologist was testing behavioral conditioning. He put a dog (?) or something by the baby and made a loud sound in the background which scarred the kid. So when ever he saw a dog he was frightened. The psychologist was discredited later on. I think he made money in advertising or something. But then again I might be wrong.
Yeah, they might not be able to remember it, but I am sure it will scar him some how, poor kid. He must have been doing something if a doezn other babies were all biting him though.
Actually, Little Albert was put through an experiment where he was conditioned to have a fear of rats. They put Albert in a room with a rat and Albert got along with it quite contentedly. Then when he reached out to touch it a scientist slammed a metal bar on the floor and made a loud noise, causing Albert to cry. When he tried to touch the rat again he repeated the process. Eventually Albert came to fear all rats and all white objects that resembled rats.