Holy shit

Holy Shit he’s made that many. I thought he made at least one more though. (Sorry for the pun. I couldn’t resist.)

I feel so unoriginal :bowser:

Just call the next one Blessed Feces

That would be the pope.

And Mother Teresa. We can’t forget her. Mother Teresa makes everything funny.

thats pretty gross.

i got the impression that from tarmac, they just meant a concrete foundation…

She’s dead.

Ahahahahaah… wait…

So much for the rat burgers…

Yummy…Plague Rat Stew…

Anyways, there’s one thread with the title Holy Fucking Shit which actually wasn’t made by Sin. It was made by Sorcerer and it was about the Red Sox winning the World Series. I had my Red Sox thread merged in with his because they came at about the same time.

Come to think of it, I believe there are others that have made Holy Shit Threads.

I searched Holy Shit in the thread titles and got 21 results.
And Sin isn’t the only person here who uses that…But it’s still a funny expression.

Originally Posted by dude789
And Mother Teresa. We can’t forget her. Mother Teresa makes everything funny.