I think I’ve hit the lowest point in my life… Ryuujin, your avatar is hypnotizing me :eek: …
Originally posted by GG Crono 4
Somehow, I REFUSE to belive that that wasn’t all intentional.
They do it all the time, whenever they can get away with it. Other classics include a children’s TV presenter asking a guest if they can “get their leg over” as the set was a little cramped. Pingu, in his penguin/twat language, has often told people to simply “fuck off”, and the Clangers swore ever other word- the great thing is, kids’ minds are so innocent it simply washes over them- it’s only as adults that you stand back and think “whoa, hang on a sec.” another brilliant one is when they come up with swear words on countdown, but I digress…:get it?:
Rainbow was so damn excellent, I wish it was still on.
I haven’t seen the clip yet (damn AOL…I wish my dad would upgrade), but I’ve heard of stuff like this before. Like the word “sex” apearing from the dust in the Lion King. I watched it once (just the part with the dust) and saw it.
Bing, this is that, only genetically mutated.
I never realized, so many children’s shows had such language hidden in them. It is strange how much they actually let them get away with back then.
I never realised Rainbow was so warped when I was a kid. I used to watch the live shows on stage too. I guess it explains a lot about me, I grew up watching Rainbow, Pingu, The Clangers and the drug-crazed world of the Magic Roundabout. I wish Rainbow was still on TV though, I miss it.
Let’s not forget Bill & Ben- the only show where one character’s whole vocabulary consists of the word “weed”
…I’d figure that would be something they’d play on SNL or Tv funhouse.