So, uh, yeah…
Whaddaya y’all like for food? 'specially for like tonight.
As for me, it’s Chinese tonight. Normally pizza or something I make. I’m not exactly a big chef-person.
So, uh, yeah…
Whaddaya y’all like for food? 'specially for like tonight.
As for me, it’s Chinese tonight. Normally pizza or something I make. I’m not exactly a big chef-person.
My dad’s homemade Chilli
(I love Chilli)
Shrimps and Lobster :O~~~
Chinese food for us too.
whatever my mom cooks, or wherever we go out to eat.
Either Chinese, spaghetti, or all meat pizza. Yummay.
Whatever’s in the cupboard. Like today, I’ll have a succulent baker’s chocolate square dipped in flour, with canned chicken on the side.
Originally posted by DomaDragoon
Whatever’s in the cupboard. Like today, I’ll have a succulent baker’s chocolate square dipped in flour, with canned chicken on the side.
CANNED CHICKEN. It’s a maricle… in a can!
My favourite food? Fish and plenty of it :hahaha;
Cod, mackerel, haddock, salmon, scampi- if it has fins and gills and can generally be found in the North Sea most days, I like eating it :hahaha;
Whatever’s there and can’t escape us.
I’m also not a big chef-person.
My normal diet (Im a health nut). Tonight is a tuna salad with flax seed oil =).
The menu tonight is chicken souvlaki, Greek-style roasted lemon potatoes and Greek salad, probably with some Casillero del Diablo (a Chilean red wine). There will also be Glögg later in the evening and champagne at midnight.
At Yule, we have roasted goose with stuffing and an assortment of vegetables and some sort of dessert, as well as ginger biscuits and fruitcake.
Man Perc. I gotta try some of that one day.
Originally posted by Cala
. Normally pizza or something I make. I’m not exactly a big chef-person.
I don’t like making fusses over holidays.
meatballs, junk food, etc, and whatever it was my dad just saw on food network…He loves to cook.
Pork Bar-be-Que. :D~~~~~~~~~~~~ really good too
Originally posted by Sinistral
I don’t like making fusses over holidays.
Pepperoni and Cheese for me too.
Anything that seems edible and tells me how to make it on the package. Or that I don’t have to make myself.
I can’t cook. But since I can bake: Pastry maybe?
Originally posted by Nightblade
Shrimps and Lobster :O~~~
Did you know that as soon as a lobster hits a lobster it shits? So if the people at the seafood restaurant or grocery store neglects to put them in a bin of cold water they shit all over each other- meaning that you are eating a bunch of yummy lobster feces?
Happy eating!
loves working in the seafood department of a grocery store
I’ll be eating whatever my grandma decides to make i suppose. Usually it’s good so i’m not really complaining (personally i’m hoping for cabbage rolls ^^)