Hmmmm... Movies!

There was going to be another version of that, by some Russian-sounding fella, with H R Giger on design. Freaky people… Anyway…

I still think the Matrix Reloaded was better than the first (Twins!)They’re in the third as well, and fight Neo with rotating sword-blades. I think I said this before somewhere else… ah well. although I can understand why others didn’t like it. There wasn’t really anything new, and the entire philosophic leanings did get a little heavy near the end (coughArcitechtcough)

Best film I’ve EVER seen is one that I saw yesterday called Pi. It’s a psychological thriller of sorts.

I’ve vaguely heard of it…*

Can you give an explanation.

*a blatent lie

>Well, movies that are part of a saga often have important differences that may disappoint fans… If the producer is changed, things can lose some coherence and some things are exaggerated. In SW Episode I, the ships look much more sophisticated than in episodes IV to VI. I know Episode I was made much more recently, but they should have been more careful with that.

Actually, that was intentional. The reason the ships look so sleek and sophisticated in the new trilogy, and so junky in the old trilogy, is because the Clone Wars wreck the Galaxy in the time between the two trilogies. That’s why everything generally looks a lot more beaten-up in the old movies. The technology in Episode III, which takes place as the Clone Wars are ending is going to more closely match the type of look seen in the classic trilogy.

Well, in the hands of a skilled crew, many movies can be great. It’s a matter of finding talented and creative people.

Just foudn out about Pi. Sounds very phycological/conspiracy-ist.

Skilled people can make great stuff with basic equipment and budgets. Classic example; Tarantino’s first two (not including Jackie Brown).

I thought the first LotR was much better than The Two Towers if only because I don’t like being depressed. ^^; Also, nobody’s mentioned Terminator 2!

I also completely disagree with Orak that any Batman movie besides the first one did anything but suck absolutely.

Anyhoo… yeah, generally sequels are really bad. Very few exceptions.

Godfather Part 2?

Good Sequels:

  • X-Men 2.
  • Gremlins 2.
  • Aliens.
  • Empire Strikes Back.
  • Two Towers.

Hmm… my ‘liking’ of sequels usually relate to how well the movie can knit itself to the previous movie. (there are exceptions, of course!)

Meh. Sequels suck for the most part.

And I urge you to see The Barbarian Invasions. Kicks mucho ass, plus it’s a sequel that doesn’t suck. (It’s the sequel to The Decline of the American Empire or something that looks remotely like that)

only a select few movies can handle sequels, like LOTR…and that’s only because that series is based off of a series of books!

Like HArry Potter? I dislike those films…

And actually, Godfather was only one book, but they slided the book around, so that all the flashbacks were Part 2, and the rest was Part 1. Read it if you see it, it’s really good.

well, LOTR is only one of the most popular fantasy trilogies ever…

Off the top of my head, I can’t think of any other fantasy series that rivals LotR…

Another thing with movies is a superhero (Spiderman) is usually a scientist, so there’s a “plausable cause” that can very easily “occur.”

Oh, and coming out in August of 20XX to a theater near you… Joe Schmoe becomes Super Joe Schmoe! insert scene of Joe Schmoe turning into Super Joe Schmoe He must save Ms. Beauty insert scene of Ms. Beauty’s beauty here from the evil clutches of Mr. Evil Doer insert scene of Mr. Evil Doer doing evil here! Will he save her, or will she fall and become Mr. Evil Doer’s evil wife? See it some in a theater near you! Don’t walk, run!


And Hulk, SPidey 2, and Daredevil two. What is it with superheroes all of a sudden?

There has been a resurgance of super-heroes lately due to the increased amount of fear that society as a whole is experiencing. Everyone wants to feel safe, so its nice to watch the world “behave the right way” for once with the good guy, winning, getting the girl and kicking the bad guys tail across the universe.

Equilibrium! I watched it the other day (for the 4th time) and just realized how damn badly it whooped the matrix for cool factor :stuck_out_tongue:

Equilibrium! Beebles! [/M:tG reference]

Has anyone seen Quicksilver. It’s about a giant killer satelite and the action is centered around the Pentagon. I read the book and am looking for the movie, but I wanna see some opinions first.

Equilibrium… I really must see that some day…