Welcome and whatever. And dude, if you’re planning on hanging around for a while, keep it down. I’m trying to sleep over here.:boring:
Hey dude:wave:
Originally posted by Hades Shinigami
Forgive me for not liking entire songs quoted for no reason whatsoever. It’s too impersonal, and a really lame gimmick.
No worse than the other impersonal and lame gimmicks that others do.
Also, I rarely post in welcome threads- I wanted to imply that this guy was a sociopath though (as a friendly gesture, of course). :o
: Mr. Waving Smilie is about to say ‘Welcome’, but notices the numbers in ‘Kevin76’ and runs while screaming.
Hello and welcome to the boards.
Gemini: Welcome here. Place all your luggage on this conveyor belt to be analyzed by the RPG News Team.
Joey: And, Welcome to RPGC!!!
Welcome to our insane asylum. Now give me your sanity! NOW!
76, eh? That’s two times 38. I approve.
What’s wrong with 76? blinkblink
Oh, and I’m Phoenix Valkyrie, aka PV-chan, aka PhoVal.
tackleglomps Kevin76
Hello and welcome.
good day to you kevin
enjoy your stay while it lasts
Gemini: You get the sanity, but I get the luggage.
Glenn: Does he have any luggage?
Gemini: I dunno. 76 is such a cool number.
Youre a lame gimmick, naaaaaaaaaa
Thank you Loki ^ _ ^
Personally i think the song lyric things are well slightly annoying, but to each his/her own. I believe it’s stupid to tell someone what to do, they are going to do whatever they are going to do. Although the word please helps sometimes.
YOUR MOM is a lame gimmick. (Seriously, though.)
Welcome to last vestiges of your sanity. Make yourself comfortable and…vote for me.
Is it just me or does everyone have to scare all the new people with how insane we are?
Even BEFORE we’ve said “Hi”…
Anyway, hi.
goes back to drooling over evil ideas like Echoing Truth on an Isocron Scepter
Truth on a Stick
Buh. Welcome. offers Kevin a pie
It’s just you.
Hello there!