Help Need Added Cut Ff7



Great Glacier has about twelve or thirteen Main Screens: Of these, there’s only one, and these are the switchpoints between the basic backgrounds that all look alike.

Added Cut can be found practically anywhere, but always appears on one screen. It’s random though, and not on one of the thirteen screens.

The screen it’s on is horizontally shaped, with Cloud walking from left to right or right to left, with trees and rocks on upper and lower sides, with a reasonable big path of snow in the middle. You have seen these before, no doubt. Added Cut is easily overlooked: It appears random on the screens as I just described, and is located somewhere near the top-left, on the side of the road, close to the left where you enter a new background or just left the old one. it’s supposed to be blue, but it’s almost white, and it isn’t always there.

It depends on sheer luck: once, it took me an hour or six to find with this info, and once I had it in one go. Just be sure to look everywhere. It looks like a little white stone, easily seen as a backgroundspot… You probably walked by it a few times during your search already.

It’s not random at all. O_o

Near the upper right of the map (above the Steaming Lakes) is a mountain with a whole bunch of paths. What you need to do is go to the top right of the path (it doesn’t look like there’s a path there, but there is). Look carefully as you go and you’ll find it (it’s in the upper-right section of the screen as you go left). The catch is that if you go backwards, the Added Cut won’t be there any more, so you have to be careful to find it.

Thanks for correcting me there :wink:

Though the explanation of the background looks and how it looks still stands: it is really easy overlooked.

I hated getting that Materia.