Hello everyone. I’m new here so I dont exactly know the ropes or anything yet. I just thought I would post here to say hello and to say that I hope everyone on here is nice and friendly.
So Hello!
Hello everyone. I’m new here so I dont exactly know the ropes or anything yet. I just thought I would post here to say hello and to say that I hope everyone on here is nice and friendly.
So Hello!
If you are, at the moment, sane, don’t expect to be for too long.
yeah he’s right, this place is nuts
Welcome to the boards.
Yar, do you need to welcome EVERY newbie here!?
Yes. Yes, I do. And now, a few words from Sinistar.
Welcome. You will probably find this useful. Presents Leap of Faith with a large rubber mallet Don’t worry we’re perfectly sane (cough, cough). And don’t forget to check your sanity at the door.
<center><img src=“http://www.hottub.org/~yozuki/sailorsguild/legends/piastol/piastol2.jpg”></center>
Welcome to the lair of BoF2 Ryu recolored sprites.
welcome… I am Orakio. I must say that you are certainly taking a Leap of Faith by being here baddabing! silence Gee, tough crowd.
Welcome to the lair of BoF2 Ryu recolored sprites.
hey, I was the first one to use the sprite! They all copied their Orakian Hero!!!
<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> No you’re not. Way back, Ryu something-or-other used one as well.
Hi! Welcome! And the rest…
does the welcome dance
doesn’t matter, I still have the best Ryu sprite
again, welcome.
<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> Nah, Ryu does. The original is always best
Welcome to the RPGC boards, keep your distance from everyone, if you wish to remain…something.
Have fun at the boards.
Hey. I’m… some where inbetween new and… middle. Who knows. Welcome, to the Insane place of Doom. A.K.A RPGC.
insert random actions here
insert [CENSORED] into a random person’s slot here
insert welcoming of the newbie here
insert self destruction here
“This program has performed an illegal operation and will be terminated. Close all programs and restart your computer.”
OK, where were we…?
Welcome, newcomer!
insert welcoming party here
Greetings and Salutations!
I can already tell your cool, seeing as how you have Gobi as an avatar and all, he r0x!