Hello, I'm new here! :D

Hello there, I am Uriel, don’t worry about some people here, they won’t bite…hard. ~.^

Welcome to the looney bin known as RPGC. Leave your sanity at the door since you won’t be needing it. Oh, and give your wallet to the resident wallet inspector PC Glenton


Originally posted by Uriel
Hello there, I am Uriel, don’t worry about some people here, they won’t bite…hard. ~.^
<font color="#000000">You so stole that from Eden, except you replaced they with I.</font>

Originally posted by demigod
When this super-state is formed, can you get rid of Dubya for us? The Democrats sure won’t be able to.

Unfortunately, I do not predict a high-ranking government position for me when the state rises to prominance. However, for a small fee (sixty dollars or a copy of Megaman X6) I would be happy to unleash my own mini-Repliforce on him.

EDIT: My Repliforce is primed and ready. Awaiting your command. Or the command or whoeevr wants me to attack him. Whatever.

Oh, and just out of interest, how many people here do NOT have English as their first language? I’m just wondering.

Welcome, I am Sapphire Falcon, and I have a feeling that this might be handy Gives Freelancer a large rubber mallet Don’t worry, we’re perfectly sane (cough, cough).

By the way, your english is very good, I know native speakers who are worse.

Hey, I’m Val. Due to an incident in the media Forum involving the horror that is d Galloway’s way of writing, I’m stuck in this chibified state, so I can’t stab you hello. So, I’ll just have to settle. kick’s Freelancer in the shin in hello