Hell. Fucking. YEAH.

A friend of mine sent me this article and I fealt a need to share it. Enjoy.

Subject: Fwd: Story in Tampa Paper

Will we still be the Country of choice and still be America if we continue 
to make the changes forced on us by the people from other countries 
that came to live in America because it is the Country of Choice??????
Think about it . . . 

All I have to say is, when will they do something about 
MY RIGHTS? I celebrate Christmas, but because it isn't 
celebrated by everyone, we can no longer say Merry 
Christmas. Now it has to be Season's Greetings. It's not Christmas vacation, it's Winter Break. Isn't it amazing 
how this winter break ALWAYS occurs over the Christmas holiday? We've gone so far the other way, bent over 
backwards to not offend anyone, that I am now being 
offended. But it seems that no one has a problem with that. 

This says it all! 

This is an editorial written by an 
American citizen, published in a 
Tampa newspaper. He did quite a job; didn't he? Read on, please! 

I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we 
are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 
we have experienced a surge 
in patriotism by the majority 
of Americans. However, the dust from the attacks had 
barely settled when the "politically correct" crowd began complaining about 
the possibility that our patriotism was offending others. 

I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to America. Our population is almost entirely made up of descendants of immigrants. However, there 
are a few things that those 
who have recently come to 
our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand. This idea of America being a 
multicultural community 
has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Americans, we 
have our own culture, our 
own society, our own language and our own lifestyle. This culture has been developed over centuries of struggles, trials, and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom. 

We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. 
Therefore, if you wish to become part 
of our society, learn the language! 

"In God We Trust" is our national motto. This is not some Christian, right wing, political slogan. We adopted this motto because Christian men and women, 
on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. 
It is certainly appropriate to display it 
on the walls of our schools. If God 
offends you, then I suggest you 
consider another part of the world as 
your new home, because God is part 
of our culture. 

If Stars and Stripes offend you, or 
you don't like Uncle Sam, then you 
should seriously consider a move 
to another part of this planet. We 
are happy with our culture and have 
no desire to change, and we really 
don't care how you did things where 
you came from. This is 
our land, and our lifestyle. Our First Amendment gives every citizen the 
right to express his opinion and we
will allow you every opportunity to do 
so. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about our flag, 
our pledge, our national motto, or our 
way of life, I highly encourage you 
take advantage of one other great American freedom, 

If you agree -- pass this along; 
if you don't agree -- delete it! 


I figure if we all keep passing this to our friends 
(and enemies) it will also, sooner or later 
get back to the complainers, lets all try,

And then, the complainers complained about how “unAmerican” this editorial writer was, for saying something so “demeaning,” and “closeminded.” They were then deported. :stuck_out_tongue:

Many of our founding fathers did not believe in God. This country is not a Christian country.

“In God We Trust” was put on our currency in 1950s to prove that we weren’t “Godless communists.” This editorial reeks of bullshit. :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Dragonessa
And then, the complainers complained about how “unAmerican” this editorial writer was, for saying something so “demeaning,” and “closeminded.” They were then deported. :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree.

“Learn the language”?
What the <b>FUCK</b>
There is no set language for the country, last I heard.

“We can no longer say Merry Christmas”? What, are they sending people to jail without trial for saying “Merry Christmas”? Or is just the fact that some greeting cards say “Season’s Greetings” by itself some kind of gross injustice? What is that supposed to mean? But it comes as no surprise that this rant fails to actually cite even one single solitary example to back itself up, or even say anything specific whatsoever. Instead, it fabricates a vague target for itself to attack, then insults the reader’s intelligence by pretending that this target actually exists in reality, and then attacks this false target that it made up in the hope that thereby it can easily smear the people that it has associated with that target. Thus, it attacks immigrants in general for doing completely unspecified “complaining” about who knows what (notice that he doesn’t even bother to explain what his hated “complainers” are supposedly guilty of doing besides “complaining about getting offended,” or who they even are - no, it’s just the fault of Them Foreigners, and that’s as far as it goes). I don’t suppose the term “straw man argument” says anything to him.

Additionally, this individual appears to labour under the delusion that someone empowered him to act as spokesman for the entire nation. Otherwise, how can one explain this ridiculous assertion that “In God We Trust” is the “national motto” (this is another straw man, since firstly, “In God We Trust” is on our money, but has no relation to “our schools,” and secondly, it isn’t even being contested at this point in time)? How can one explain his use of the pronoun “we” to imply that he represents anyone other than himself? Listen, buddy-boy: I’m an American, and it’s <i>my</i> country just as much as it is <i>your</i> country, and I sure as hell did not give <i>you</i> permission to speak for <i>me</i> or put <i>your</i> god in the school that <i>I</i> help pay for. As for the “leave it” bit in the ending, it’s just as easy to turn it around - hey, dude, you don’t seem happy about the way the country is either, from the amount of ranting you’re doing. Why not go somewhere where you’ll be more content?

I agree with him so much, about the immigrants having to adjust to us. I mean yeah I want them to feel welcome and all, but come on we have changed too many things so that we don’t offend them.

Who’s “we,” Kemosabe? “We” are not some one homogeneous entity. “We” includes practically all of the people he’s so pissed off about. <i>We are all Americans</i> here, not just the ones who subscribe to <i>his</i> personal interpretation of what America is.

"Lonesome for no one when
the room was empty and
war as we knew it was obsolete
Nothing could beat complete denial

All we do is talk, sit, switch screens
as the homeland plans enemies

All we do is talk, static split screens
As the homeland plans enemies

Invasion’s so succexy, so succexy…"

–“succexy,” metric (doesn’t really have anything to do with the discussion but it’s a kickass song anyways)

and like, what’s made America so appealing to so many immigrants over the years is the fact that they DIDN’T have to conform to beliefs that they didn’t necessarily hold - that they wouldn’t be persecuted for believing contrary to what people around them believed. I mean, he says he doesn’t have anything against immigration, but he totally does; and history has proven (not just in America, but in European nations that have practiced tolerance of others’ cultures) that countries which have relatively liberal immigration/cultural tolerance practices have been the most economically powerful in the world.

Not to mention, if you want to mix “morality” into the equation, tolerance of others’ beliefs is just a more decent practice than intolerance.

Not to mention as other people have said, a lot of this editorial is bullshit anyways (the In God we Trust, the “Right to Leave,” the belief that America is not a multicultural society, etc.).

-Mazrim Taim

Yeah, I stopped taking it seriously at the point where the author decided to use 6 consecutive question marks.

If I’m not mistaken, sometime last year, Cid was offended that it was deemed politically incorrect to say “Merry Christmas”. Of course, his opinion was hitting it from the other side, since he isn’t Christian.

(And for those of you who don’t know, Cid is Jewish)

christmas isn’t a christian holiday, its a new name for yule so that the barbarians wouldn’t get rowdy.

There’s a difference in not being anal politcally correct and being assimilationist (might not be a real word, but I don’t care).

As for the language bit, that is just stupidity. The United States may not have an OFFICIAL language, but English is very prominent. However, Spanish is also incredibly popular and on the rise, and therefore must also be considered. Just because we are the most powerful nation in the world doesn’t give us the right to be socially ignorant and force our culture on everyone else. The author should also consider that for many older immigrants, it is very difficult to learn a new language, and by having communities that speak that language provides a haven for those that do not have the time or resources to learn English.


Originally posted by Silhouette
christmas isn’t a christian holiday, its a new name for yule so that the barbarians wouldn’t get rowdy.

That is excessively dismissive. It is true that virtually all Christian holidays are based on pagan celebrations in order make people more inclined to convert during the earlier years of Christianity, the holiday does have vital Christian elements as well, most people just ignore them. And for anyone who didn’t realize, Easter is actually the most important celebration in the Christian calendar, not Christmas.

SK pretty much called all this guy’s bullshit point for point, and there isn’t really much left to add. BUT, I’m gonna try and find something anyway, just so I can join in on the two minutes hate here…

Will we still be the Country of choice and still be America if we continue
to make the changes forced on us by the people from other countries
that came to live in America because it is the Country of Choice???
Think about it . . .

Wanna count how many changes have been “forced on us” by people from other countries, and measure them up to all the changes WE have forced on people from other countries?

The democratically-elected leaders we’ve whacked and the overthrown dicators we’ve reinstalled alone dwarfs any supposed “changes” that have been “forced” upon us by foreigners.

Sometimes moving to America is the only way to make sure you’re safe from America…

This idea of America being a
multicultural community
has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity.

A shame he forgot to use footnotes, because I could swear he took this line from Mein Kampf…

Okay, long story short, and “duh” statement of the year: this guy’s a scared old hyper-right xenophobic assmunch who’s in a tizzy because his neighborhood isn’t like what it was in “the good old days” (that never really existed the way he remembers them).

Fuck him. The sooner this old coot and all the others like him finally have the coronary they’re working themselves into and join Strom Thurmond in the lake of fire, the better off we’ll be. And then maybe we can finally progress a little more towards fulfilling the promise of greatness embedded in the American ideals blah blah blah blah…

I don’t understand why you hate people who want to work jobs no white man will work, for money that no white man will work for, and to do all this without complaining. Its these immigrants who have the guts to illegally come over to America and work 12+ hours a day for dirt salaries who are going to reinvigorate America. Same goes for all those Indians and Pakistanis monopolizing the Dunkin’ Donuts and gas stations. How stagnant would America had become, if we had kept out all the poor Irish and German and Eastern European and Italian immigrants in the 19th century? The things you are saying about immigrants today, are what the nativists said about the immigrants of the 19th century, and history does not look very kindly upon the nativists. You say they’re not conforming? Man, the vast majority of their kids are going to grow up speaking English with an American accent, whether the parents like it or not. As far as the Founding Fathers being religious, that’s just not true the way you mean it. Most of the Founding Fathers were deists who had their own unique religious view of the world, often believing in some kind of order or God but not the God of fundamentalist Christianity.

This is all bullshit from an idiotic conservative somewhere with a small dick accompanied by a masturbatory complex, feeling inappropriate and threatened by illusions which his leadership figures spoon fed him at the right age.

Let’s start with the most obvious fact: we are all immigrants or descendants of immigrants. Making it seem otherwise is delusional.

Secondly, the rant about english vs non-english is a lot of shit for the simple reason that it is just that. It presents no figures as to what the problem is, if it is a problem, nor does it show it increasing as a problem, potentially affecting society in multiple detrimental ways. Who does what? Who adapts to who? How do people end up adapting or not adapting? Why isn’t there a choice not to conform in this country of choice? When everyone is the same, there is no choice as there is 1 thing for everyone. This is not a democratic, american principle, but more analogous to a communist one.

Thirdly: where and why do we get illegal immigration? What are the effects of this immigration in terms of cost and benefit to society?

Fourthly, if you’re going to start ranting about how you don’t like some people voicing their opinions and being “unpatriotic”, then you should consider the fact that a fairly large segement of the hundreds of millions of Americans living in this country share those same views as either those immigrants or the people in the countries they’re from, that people who write and believe in this stinking fucus are simpled-minded uneducated rednecks that don’t look farther than the nose of their pick up truck to see what the world around them really is like.

Fifthly, you wanna talk about a country of choice? What about a country of “pro-choice” as people who agree with this mindless speech tend to be against. If you’re going to be offering people choice in certain segments of society, you’ll have to start allowing them to choose in other segments of society. Of course, choice can be a problem and the people who tend to be in charge tend to give people the illusion of choice in order to keep them in line.

Please, in the future, when you’re tempted to post more partially circulated bile and you feel the need to spread your malicious spew, shut the fuck up or put some meat into it so its not so runny.

Gee I dunno.

Ah fuck it, I feel like ranting more. So. Let’s start attacking this English Only bullshit. What IS English Only? It is a movement that promotes the institution of English as the only language for the United States, while seemingly logical in its superficial uses, it is an idea with unrealistic expectations based upon biased ideals symbolizing the oppression of other individuals. What do I mean by that? Let’s consider Europe. Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points" didn’t mention language because of how “Language is a convenient surrogate for nonlinguistic claims that are often awkward to articulate for they amount to a demand for more political and economic power”. The fact of the matter is, there is no link between language and country. A language is a symbolic means of presenting ideas. The country is multiple things: it is an ideal, representing certain values, it is a piece of land with delineated territories. Land and values do not equate to language as people who speak the same language do not always share the same values; ex: pedophilic priests and their sheep. Language is nothing more than an ideal scape goat for the uneducated to latch onto, the same way that the people who hate the US in middle east learn to hate the US: because they are told to. They do not think of the meaning or the reason as to why they are told why they should believe what it is that they believe because it is good for them to believe, it is good for the sustaining of the social system which they live in. It is a convenient way to drive discontent energy from mediocre individuals that don’t stand out. It gives these people are reason to believe in something and it gives them the illusion that they matter. This is analogous to the illusion of choice.

Europe especially ,at the end of WW1, had a lot of things to worry about when it came down to ethnic unity, which is why it was particularly important that language did not play a part in the organizational scheme. Language is associated with cultural patches, localized to certain parts of the worlds. Esp in Europe, these groups are well established and may have some issues. By giving credence to the issue of language, you are giving credence to the issues these warring cultures cause for each other, issues they might not even know the sources of. That isn’t good. All you do is sustain conflict, create social inequalities and problems ,like the following. In Eastern Europe, there was a time when (don’t know if its still like that) doctors must speak to patients in Slovak, even if another language would aid diagnosis and treatment. A person’s life could be on the line and that person would have to suffer, if not die, because of some unfair law. If that wasn’t bad enough, language inspectors are told to weed out all sins perpetrated on the regular Slovak language. So if someone told on a doctor that would’ve done a good action benefiting a non-Slovak speaker, then he would be punished. . It doesn’t matter if a person suffers or a person dies to them because somehow, since that person didn’t speak the right language, his pain or his death would be a benefit to the country, whereas if he was spoken to in a language other than Slovak, it would somehow be bad for the country.

What people like the trash that wrote this article do is link America’s democratic success to the English language. He is passing on a message that English is American, speaking in a way that will appeal to their feelings of being part of a group; he does this while inserting comments insinuating how much better they are for knowing English, completely ignoring any socio-cultural and environmental factors that might influence their way of life. This is nothing more than systematic segregation, and looking at the 60’s, I would think that it would be more american to desegrate than the other way around. By restricting freedoms such as these, all you are doing is removing choice and not creating a country of choice. Thus the speaker is hypocritical, confused and needs to be dismissed.

When looking at any statement like the one that GG made, you have to ask very important questions:
-Why was it said?
-Is there any particular agenda being carried out by the person who said it?
-What are the implications of what is being said?
-What is the validity of what is being said?
-What is the reliability of what is being said?
-Does what is being said have concrete, factual support to demonstrate the issue?
-Has there been similar events to what this person is saying?

And the questions can go on. Politics is about power, power is about holding sway over people, and that is about having people believe what it is that you want them to believe and not what a guy you disagree with says. If people want you to believe something, have doubt. Doubt people who find truth. Trust in those in search of truth. What people see as truth is merely their perception of truth and is thus a deviation of the original fact. As more people take to believe what other people believe before them, they have their own interpretation fo what that original truth was than the person whom they received the truth from. Thus the more something is passed along, the more it changes and what ends up being considered truth might not necessarily be truth.

Sin, I looked at that big block of text and I was like holy shit. There he goes again. He doesn’t QUIT. You are officially one of My Heroes. :smiley: And I’m not being sarcastic either.

-Mazrim Taim

<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> Yeah, this is what makes reading the forum in school worthwhile :stuck_out_tongue: