Heheh. Stupid little kids.

Originally posted by Sinistral
Yeah, that’s an edited pic alright.

Really? Wow, I thought it was real and there was a kid on the front of a car going 99 miles an hour in a 35 zone. [/sarcasm]
I did laugh when I saw it.

Yeah. A friend of mine sen it to me in an attachment along with a “Dear Abby” letter from the kid’s grandmother thanking her on her advice on how to punish him when he misbehaves.

You can easily tell it’s photoshopped by the fact that the kid’s shirt is lifting up a bit, which means it’s not tucked in, but it’s not flipped over his head. At 99 mph, it’d definately be over his head.

And the “99” is supposed to be red

There is too little blood. This gets a ‘Not funny’.

Originally posted by Nulani
There is too little blood. This gets a ‘Not funny’.

And I was so sure you were going to love it ;_;

quietly chuckles to himself