Happy Turkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving!!


<img src=“http://www.geocities.com/strobalob/thanks.txt”>

I’m going to celebrate thanksgiving the traditional way.

Gather all my friends and family…have a huge feast…

Then kill them and take their land.

Originally posted by Pierson

<img src=“http://www.geocities.com/strobalob/thanks.txt”> [/b]


I will be having dinner with my parents, then partying with my friends as my parents leave town with my brother for a soccer tournament.

I had soup, and the new fireplace got fitted today.

What a day.

Originally posted by Pierson

<img src=“http://www.geocities.com/strobalob/thanks.txt”> [/b]

I was violently ill yesterday and threw up multiple times. :frowning:

But today I feel much better, and just in time to stuff myself and get fat and bloated and lazy.

Take it easy everyone.

Ya’ll know nothing about Thanksgiving. It’s not about Squanto and the Pilgrims, it’s about the Union victory at Gettysburg and Vicksburg.

Originally posted by Dark Paladin
Ya’ll know nothing about Thanksgiving. It’s not about Squanto and the Pilgrims, it’s about the Union victory at Gettysburg and Vicksburg.

The American Thanksgiving, that is.

What’s the Canadian thanksgiving about? Anything in particular?

We are so ungrateful here in Norway, that we don’t have a Thanksgiving Day.

Which is just as well, at least for the turkeys.

Originally posted by Yar Kramer
What’s the Canadian thanksgiving about? Anything in particular?

To my knowledge, Canadian Thanksgiving simply celebrates harvest.

Originally posted by Yar Kramer
What’s the Canadian thanksgiving about? Anything in particular?
I read somewhere that they started celebrating after King Edward VII got over some illness.

Yes, although he was still Prince of Wales then, since Thanksgiving was first officially observed in 1872 in Canada; King Edward VII did not take the throne until 1901, when Queen Victoria died.

Contemporary Canadian Thanksgiving is a festival of harvest, however.

Originally posted by Gizamaluke

Jeeze, and people said Clinton was bad…

I already had my “thanksgiving” day.

Mine was good. I didn’t have to cook anything, which rules.

I had LOTS of pumpkin pies. :slight_smile:

And bout time someone resond3ed to my pic.