Happy Festivus

Well, it’s December 23rd. In accordance with the Costanza family tradition, today is Festivus. Happy Festivus everyone. Go buy a Festivus Pole.

And since I will be in the middle of nowhere during 24 and 25, Happy Christmas/Holidays to all of you. Hope to be back in 26 and glare enviously at your fucking humongous gift lists.

This isn’t about Christmas! It’s about Festivus! I’m Airing my Grievance about you, Seraphim! You derail topics about holidays other than the one the topic is about! >:(

Happy Festivus! But who’s going to perform the feats of strength? :o

Happy CHRISTmas!

My Festivus pole is ready…

Oh. Right.

happy festivus for the restovus

It is also the emperor of Japan’s birthday.

Jesus rules Japan now?

No one ever said that, Ren. Nice bad leap of logic. :x

No that guy in japan that isn’t really in charge but looks like he is since he has all those neat hats.

Happy whorelidays

lol penis

Otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu, nippon no ousama!
(happy birthay king of japan!)
anyone know how to say emperor?

for everyone else: Festivus omedetou gozaimasu! (happy festivus!)