Happy birthday, Zero!

Thank you all, and my (not bought by myself) birthday present was apparently the heavens decided to have the teacher of one of my classes push an assignment back by a week, I should get started though.

However, today (friday) was hell in a box, a defective memory chip almost made me flunk the exam (the only reason I didn’t was because when the teacher can’t accomplish the operation EITHER under perfect conditions, then it ain’t yer fault) and my open book test on networking was like having a baseball bat with a nail on it rammed up my nose.

happy birthday buddy.

May your birthday be happy then.

Happy Birthday dude:yipee:

Happy Birthday dude =)

Originally posted by Zero

However, today (friday) was hell in a box, a defective memory chip almost made me flunk the exam (the only reason I didn’t was because when the teacher can’t accomplish the operation EITHER under perfect conditions, then it ain’t yer fault) and my open book test on networking was like having a baseball bat with a nail on it rammed up my nose.

Ow :confused: Sorry to hear that, Z. I hope the weekend will be kinder upon you.

Originally posted by Zero
[b]Thank you all, and my (not bought by myself) birthday present was apparently the heavens decided to have the teacher of one of my classes push an assignment back by a week, I should get started though.

However, today (friday) was hell in a box, a defective memory chip almost made me flunk the exam (the only reason I didn’t was because when the teacher can’t accomplish the operation EITHER under perfect conditions, then it ain’t yer fault) and my open book test on networking was like having a baseball bat with a nail on it rammed up my nose. [/b]
Aliminum or Wooden?

Happy Birthday Zero. I hope your celebrations are as good as mine have been.