happy birthday thread

Happy birthday to Sinistral (yes, I know that I am late), Trian and XCG.

Happy Birthday:



and Dark!


Happy Birthday, RPT and Princefireball!

Happy anniversary, 2k! May your alloy armor shine for many more years to come!

Go January.

Stop having birthdays. I’m running out of gifts. ::dekar!::

Happy b-day X and RPT and anyone else I didn’t mention ^^ throws confetti and ties balloons to their heads

happy Bday Nessa. gives Nessa kitty kaik.

Happy birthday, Nessa.

(By the way, would someone kindly explain what happened to the old thread? I’m just curious.)

Happy Birthday, Dragonessa.

(It got lost in the bowels of the forum; Probably still somewhere in the last pages)

Happy Birthday!

(The thread always disappear after a while…
I think this might be the fourth “Happy Birthday”-thread or something :P)


Hope things are good for you and your family!

I’ll give you a cake if you give me cookies! :ah-ha!:

Happy B-Day Nessa! :smiley:

Happyt Birthday Nessa :DD

Thanks again guys. :smiley:

trades Wil cookies for caik

Happy Birthday, Nessa!

Here, have the secret recipe for Keebler cookies… CRAP! They tracked me!

runs as several elves dressed as bakers and wielding rolling pins enter the scence.

/me gives Nessa caik and cookies

There special cookies…


gives him a birthday cookie

Have a good one Pierson.

Happy Birthday Pierson.:yipee:

Happy birthday Pierson! :yipee: :yipee:
A brand new Sue-mauler will come in your mail.