Way to be Maz
Happy birthday.
Originally posted by Wilfredo Martinez
Happy BD, Maz! You should post more often… your wisdom is really needed these days in the Boards.
I second this!!! Enjoy your day Maz! stor kram
Yeah, happy birthday, man.
Mazrim it’s your birthdayyyyyyyyy
And god bless you this dayy
You gave me the gift of a little brother and i’m proud of you todayyy
Mazrim it’s your birthday!Happy birthday Mazrim!
Mazrim it’s your birthday!Happy birthday Mazrim!
I wish you love and good will
I wish you praise and joy
I wish you better then your heart desires and your first kiss from a girlllll
Mazrim it’s your birthday!Happy birthday Mazrim!
Mazrim it’s your birthday!Happy birthday Mazrim!
bongo drum solo
(Some lines have been altered for the sake of fitting the birthday person ^^)
happy birthday maz.
gives maz a caik made of moogle
Happy birthday! :D:D:D:D;d;d;d;D:d:d;:D:Dd:lele::LEd:e:KTADL;l
Have a baseball bat. Now you can go Treat or Beating.
Originally posted by BahamutXero
I agree, we admire your for your wisdom, not your beauty. Happy Birthday.
cries ;_;
No seriously, thank you everybody, all your well-wishings make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and that’s a good thing. All of you have a happy day as well.
-Mazrim Taim
Ygwir Yn Erbyn Ybyd…
Happy BDay, mazzy
Cyber: I’m guessing: Atom And His Package - Happy Birthday Ralph? I think it was that song…don’t kill me if it’s wrong ._.
Originally posted by Dragon Tear
[b]Ygwir Yn Erbyn Ybyd…Happy BDay, mazzy
Cyber: I’m guessing: Atom And His Package - Happy Birthday Ralph? I think it was that song…don’t kill me if it’s wrong ._. [/b]
doesn’t kill you… and you’re right!
licks Maz, too
Oh, yeah… I almost forgot.
gets Maz a dog chair
Happy Birthday!
happy birthday dude.
<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> Happy belated birthday.
Damn, I’m late… does the happy belated birthday dance for Maz