Happy BDay SG!

Cause you deserve your own thread! And I’m the first one to make one, yay!
gives SG a pie


Gives SG a Knoppix distro

Happy 18th! :slight_smile:

Heya, SG! Have a good one! Hope your 18th is a great time! Hands him a cookie Best I could do on short notice…

Happy anniversary of the day you crawled outta yo mamma, SG! gives my second husband a hug and a fish

Happy Birthday, to coughbakufan19cough Skankin’ Garbage!

Ive already sent you a message about this, but Happy Birthday SG!

Happy B’day, Jim Jams.

On a side note, What’s the point of the “Happy B’day” thread if people are just making singuler ones all the time these days?

Staffers get their own thread and others doesn’t, that’s how it was set up anyhow.

SG is staff… =P

Happy B-Day SG.


Happy birtday

SG’s special in his own non-'tard way. He gets his own thread. That is all.

Happy B-day. If you were here you would already be drinking and smoking and going into porn cinemas legally.

Happy birthday foo!


sings “Happy Birthday” in Japanese

…Haaaaapppyyyy biiiiiiirthdayyyyy t000000 j000000000!


gives SG his wallet as a present


happy birthday SG!

does the happy birthday dance for SG

I baked you some bread for your birthday, SG. Now where did I put that thing…

HAPPY B-DAY SG! gives SG a pie