I’ve been growing my hair for a while now (about 6 months) and it comes down to my nose at the front (when straight) but it seems to have stopped growing, could anyone here offer an explanation?
One of my friends says that my hair is far too thick for it to grow, so that could be it.
Trim it. it promotes growth. My hair was a little longer than that before I shaved my head.
My hair is thick and mine is halfway down my back. But of course, we are of different genders.
My hair’s thick, but it’s almost below my lips when straight. Just give it time, it grows constantly.
It’s just harder to notice when it’s longer.
my hair goes past my shoulders, although it’s fairly thin. Just keep letting it grow, man. It’s not like it’s going to stop… it just seems like that.
Just trim it a bit and it’ll grow. My hair used to grow normally, but now it grows like a weed sicne I’ve been cutting it so much. Hell, since I have to shave everyday now, I even grow more facial hair (not a lot, but still a lot more than before).
Heh suppose. It’s annoying that I’ve reached a point where it’s not long enough to tie back but too long to do anything with XD
It’ll grow, give it some time. Look at me :P.
So why are you letting your hair grow long? Style or Laziness?
Because I look absolutely terrible with short hair.
How long did yours take Sin?
And it’s not lazy long hair requires more maintenance than short… a lot more.
Give it time and treat it with care and love. Trimming is a good idea: It’ll encourage growth and help against those dreadful split ends.
I beat you all: My hair reaches down to my butt!
Long hair is the sexiest thing on a woman. Ever.
I have heard that each hair on the body has a lifespan. Meaning that it will grow for a specfic amount of time and then fall out. So your hair will only grow so long before he individual hairs fall out. Though the trimming to stimulate growth migh speed up the growth, I don’t know. I cut my hair every few months when it reaches too long to manage (my hair grows stright up) and i don’t think that the interval between vuts has shortened over the years.
Ha Ha, you said vuts instead of cuts!! :hahaha;
I think I heard somewhere that a diet high in protein promotes hair growth or something, since hair is mostly protein… or something.
probably just b.s. :no2:
Secksi. :kissy:
In 3 years it was 1/4 down my back, straightened (so 3-4 inches under my shoulders I think). I got it cut to a little above soulder length before my interview at McGill last summer and now its back to a little below my shoulders, much like this picture in my avatar.