Well, there’s a small problem. I can’t change my resolution from 800x600… so… this is just slightly annoying. Well very annoying. Anything we’ve tried so far doesn’t seem to work.
Anyways, I’m running Win XP Home, with Radeon 7200. That’s all I really know. sighs
Well at least I have a comp. But still. This is kinda stupid, not to mention annoying on the eyes.
You know what’s funny? I’m one of the world’s unluckiest computer users, and I haven’t had many of these problems everyone else has with XP. Maybe it sucks so much that it cancels itself out and becomes something good, but who knows?
I think the problem is that Windows is engineered too closely to match the hardware… and vice versa, probably. New versions of Windows tend to work great with new hardware, but suck with old hardware. The opposite is true of old Windows versions.