Geek Test

8.87574% - Poser

23.4714% - Geek

21.97239% - Geek

12.03156% - Geekish Tendencies

<No it’s not!>

16.56805% - Geek


<table border=“0” cellpadding=“5” cellspacing=“0” style=“background-color: #fff; font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica; font-size: 10px”><tr><td colspan=“2”>You are <b><span style=“color: #090”>58%</span></b> geek</td></tr><img src=“” height=“170” width=“120”></td><td valign=“top”>You are a geek. Good for you! Considering the endless complexity of the universe, as well as whatever discipline you happen to be most interested in, you’ll never be bored as long as you have a good book store, a net connection, and thousands of dollars worth of expensive equipment. Assuming you’re a technical geek, you’ll be able to afford it, too. If you’re not a technical geek, you’re geek enough to mate with a technical geek and thereby get the needed dough. <B>Dating tip</b>: Don’t date a geek of the same persuasion as you. You’ll constantly try to out-geek the other.</td></tr></table> <p><a href=“”>Take the Polygeek Quiz at</a></p>

28.99408% - Total Geek

Exagerated a little, but still pretty close.

8.28402% - Poser
LOL this test is funny

9.66469% - Geekish Tendencies
Oh well, I thought I was more of a geek than this but alas, I’ve never even watched a full episode of Star Trek so that probably took out like 75% of the test. :stuck_out_tongue:

40.23669% - Major Geek

That’s it, sheesh, I need to work to get it higher.

the test says im just a poser sob sob

man i cant even fit in with the unpopular groups.

where can i find a place ment for meeeeeeeeee! :moogle:

Geekiness has nothing to do with popularity or popularity. Everyone has a niche they can fit into. Those who are geeky often say they “have no friends” but are surrounded by geeks, and thus they are quite popular.

yeah i guess.
but still its pretty imbarrasing to be a poser for somthin like a geek. :moogle:

12.82051% - Geekish Tendencies

Although some of the things I do/know because of my astronomy class.

25.64103% - Total Geek