Gee, isn't this a sweet thing for those PETA wackos to do...

PETA is like the ACLU, the organization’s name makes it sound like a good idea, but they’re all just whacked-out lunatics who go to far with their beliefs.

I dont see why converting a canaballistic man into a vegetarian would do any justice for the public…or for any animal. What a spokesperson.

Originally posted by demigod
PETA is like the ACLU, the organization’s name makes it sound like a good idea, but they’re all just whacked-out lunatics who go to far with their beliefs.
Care to back up that little assertion, or would you rather make claims than examine them? What has the ACLU done to incur this sort of shit from you, other than consistently start lawsuits against censorship, government secrecy, and so forth? They’ve consistently opposed all forms of restriction of free speech, whether those forms related to disciplining schoolchildren for voicing opinions or preventing the KKK from holding a nonviolent demonstration. They were involved in many landmark decisions, including Brown vs. Board Of Education, which determined that segregation was unconstitutional, and other decisions that curbed McCarthyism. I take it that all that is whacked-out lunacy as well? Or is it the fact that they’re for complete separation of church and state that makes you so angry?

I demand that you either retract this smear or actually defend it.

I don’t really see what’s so “insane” or “crazy” about this. It’s pretty funny, although it probably wasn’t intended to be a joke… but they had good intentions, I’m sure. You people take things way too seriously.

We can’t prove that they aren’t. But in any case, we eat them, we rot, they eat us. Sounds like a pretty fair system.

At least they don’t free animals to their certain and agonizing death like a certain already mentioned animal activist group is prone to do.

It appears I have made my comment in ignorance. I have not before known of the ACLU’s involvement in such activities, and what I have read about their activities in the newspaper have been actions that I found to be less distinguished. I will no longer insult them.

Thank you, I accept your retraction.