Gather 'round everyone, for the cat is about to speak.

Same as with Chrono Trigger methinks: Noone gives a hot shit about continuity unless they really want it in their stories.

Looks at picture of Sephiroth O_O; Oh ma god…oh ma goddamn god! I already hated Sephiroth, but looks like my hatred of him just went up a point, from 4 to 5 stars, I tell you!

looks at Star’s post Right!

When I first got into writing stories in english, particularly X-Men fanfics, I used Marty Stuart under the name of “Armageddon” who was me, and perfect in everyway.

I still have an image of myself if I ever write X-Men fics and the name is Electro- and he’s not perfect. My instincts always prevented me from moving on to the second chapter with that Marty Stuart.

I absolutely despise them.

And “Rinoa should NOT break up with Squall just to be with your character. You should NOT be Cloud’s long lost brother or son or whatever.” is absolutely true.

Originally posted by Joker Loire Of The Turks
When I first got into writing stories in english, particularly X-Men fanfics, I used Marty Stuart under the name of “Armageddon” who was me, and perfect in everyway.

I think most people who write fics have created perfect, self-representing characters like that sometime, in some way.
I have, and it still haunts me. Mostly because I’ve based Moranath on what was left of him after I abandoned the fic. :stuck_out_tongue:

(And for those of you who don’t know: Moranath is a demon living inside my head. :))

Originally posted by StarStorm
Same as with Chrono Trigger methinks: Noone gives a hot shit about continuity unless they really want it in their stories.

I’d give slight leeway for CT. The continuity in it can be a bitch if you’re not paying attention.

I can honestly say I’ve never included a Sue-like character, except in parody stories I stikc in my LJ sometimes. I think FFnet has scared me off doing one for good.

Originally posted by Pierson
I’d give slight leeway for CT. The continuity in it can be a bitch if you’re not paying attention.

Bah, CC basically gave any Chronoverse authors free reign to do whatever they want, since it confirmed that the Chronoverse operates under the multiverse setting. All they have to do is put in a little line that says that it’s an alternate reality, and their… er, they’re free to do as they wish.

As far as Mary Sues go, I think that as long as they aren’t very very overpowered, then that’s no problem. I like a well-written story, so I’m willing to overlook some other “problems” if the story is interesting to read. A good example is Stephen Ratliff’s writing.

At the beginning, his original character of Marissa Picard was a Mary Sue… nay, THE Mary Sue. (Picture a character who captains a starship because of a simple test, beats Deep Space 9’s ultimate villain in the series, gets adopted by the greatest captain of the Federation, finds out that she’s a princess in a far-off world, etc.)

But as his works went on, Ratliff’s writing improved. He learned from his mistakes, he accepted criticism well and adapted, to the point where even if he still had a Mary Sue on his hands, his work was at the point where it didn’t matter all that much.