Fucking PS2

My beloved PS2 just decided to stop working properly. What I mean is, it stopped wanting to run games less than a week old. I rented a copy of Silent Hill 4 a while ago, and had to return it after, despite the disc being in perfect condition, it refused to run. Now, MKD refuses to run, despite also being scratch-and-dust-free.

Then I try running my older games, most of which I bought pre-owned. (I’m cheap that way.) They all run perfectly. Not a single problem with them, despite being scratched and dusted beyond belief.

I’ve cleaned the lens, I’ve cleaned the entire fucking inside of the PS2, I’ve positioned it vertically, I’ve done every possible thing I could. Nothing is working. If the system doesn’t get its act together soon, I’m throwing it out the window, preferably into the path of a garbage truck.

Take it to a repair shop?

Woah man…how does it fit?

reads the thread

Buy a new one.

That sucks.

<div align=“center”><img src=“http://www.penny-arcade.com/images/2004/20040405l.jpg”></div>

This happened to me and quite a few others I know. Sonic ended up just getting a new one. For me, it just stopped screwing up after a while.

Typical Sony.

While this is typical sony…its atypical in how your old games work o_O.

Fucking a PS2 usually isn’t the best for it. I mean, it probably gets banged around a bit and it definitely gets things in it that don’t belong there and dirty it more. Just get a new one and don’t fuck it.

On a serious note, that is strange how your PS2 plays old games and not newer ones since it is usually the opposite. I’d to check into repair prices and depending on it much the repair is you may have to get a new one.