Why say things like that? That is just gonna tempt Bush. Bush is already trigger happy, no need to dare him to pull it. It is almost like Iran is telling America to invade with comments like that. Iran also doesn’t realize that depending on how extreme the tactics are that they use, it increases the ammount of force we would be allowed to use. Iraq is just difficult since it isn’t a military and the insurgents are among the regular people.
I suppose you’d have to admire their courage, though, especially in face of their claim to be able to “defeat any invaders in the span of weeks.” (although that could just be pure confidence… never a good thing)
Considering how bad we’re doing just with Iraq, they probably would mop the floor with us. But nooo, WE’RE THE BIG WORLD SUPERPOWER! WE’RE GOD-FEARING BADASSES! WE WILL CRUSH OR MAKE FUN OF ANYONE WHO REMOTELY DISAGREES WITH OUR METHODS AND INTENTIONS!
Seriously…our government is acting like an abusive husband to all other countries.
Our military would still be able to invade, it is just anything long term would be difficult. I have no doubts that we’d beat them. They definitely wouldn’t mop the floor with us.
You have no doubts, but leading experts on military have doubts.
You might not have recognized it, but the whole military of Iran includes far more than 500,000 soldiers, plus Iran is immense. Why do you think beating them would be so easy?
Numbers don’t matter in war, it is the tactics. Also, our military is much larger than 500,000. We have about 150,000 in Iraq (for the elections, otherwise it is 125,000), 12,000 in Afgahnistan (numbers avialable in news sources), and the U.S. military has about a million troops, may more. You do the math. not only that, but you may hear of us running out of reserves for Iraq, all reserve units are eligible for Iran and reserve units that went to Iraq in the beinning (like mine) are becoming eligible for Iraq again. The reason special forces can do what they do is because they have great tactics and practice those tactics constantly. Tactics are what make a military, not the size. America is viewed as weaker, we were able to beat the British military (Revloution and War of 1812) not because of our size since they clearly out umbered us, but because we had the better tactics. There is also no real reason to include the size of Iran in your argument considering the transportion methods we have and satellite technology. Also, I didn’t say it would be easy, especially with Iraq and Afgahnistan going on. I just said that we would be able to beat them. Besides, if I don’t think that we can beat them, we’ve already lost. Now there is that line between confidence and stupidity, but the U.S. military is pretty powerful. Not only that, but there is much more of a desire for Iran within the military. However, any long operations in Iran would be very draining and I don’t think that we could handle that. Iraq is already draining us, anything long in Iran (which would probably happen) would just further the drain.
I brought up the argument “size of Iran” because it would be ENORMOUSLY difficult to control the land after war. Or do you think the Iranians will all be like “Hey ho, Americans, we love you, you freed us, hail to you!” America already thought that would happen in Iraq, but it didn’t.
Second: Money. Bush already demanded $100 billion from Congress for Iraq, how do you intend to pay a war in Iran in additional? That would, sorry, financially ruin you. You have already serious problems with your household, another war would really fuck it up.
So before attacking Iran, you should: - Wait whether GB+F+G can solve the issue by diplomacy
Look for allies
Try to bring the Iraq question to an end.
Otherwise, as I said, you will get serious problems.