forums updated

just a few bug fixes. We didn’t even lose the welcome panel like I thought we would! Version 3 is getting closer though, bwaha.

a halfhearted “Yaaaay” is heard throughout the crowd

That was abou the fastest update I’ve ever seen in a board.

Praise the Merlin!

Holy crap that was a fast update.

What was changed?

<img src=“”> Subliminal messages.

bows to Merl


What changed???

All hail Merlin! NOW!

<img src=“”> Why? Updating a forum isn’t a terribly hard process :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Tenchimaru_Draconis
<img src=“”> Why? Updating a forum isn’t a terribly hard process :stuck_out_tongue:

Shh. Le tthem have their fun in thinking that Merlin is actually doing something to make this place more enjoyable.

The forum gets an update?!

So…what has been updated?

Cool. Someone should make some new forum styles, though.

Version 3?
I wasn’t aware we were upgrading.

Originally posted by Gizamaluke
Version 3?
I wasn’t aware we were upgrading.

Hell no. MErlin refuses to use Version 3 for some reason.

I just laugh that Merlin hasn’t upgraded for a couple weeks.

(D’oh, wrong window …)

Originally posted by Merlin
Version 3 is getting closer though, bwaha.

Explain that Xelo.

I love it how Xelo always talks like he knows what the hell is going on.

Originally posted by Epicgamer
I love it how Xelo always talks like he knows what the hell is going on.

So true.
Quite humorous.

(I gots to get me a sprite…)