For those of you that whined for all this time...

Here is Crystal Sphere 3, ph334r my html power!!!

<ul id=“Warnings”>
<li> <strong>DOCTYPE Override in effect!</strong> Any DOCTYPE Declaration in the
document has been suppressed and the DOCTYPE for
«<code>HTML 4.01 Strict</code>» inserted instead. The document will not be
Valid until you alter the source file to reflect this new DOCTYPE.
<h2 id=“result” class=“invalid”>This page is <strong>not</strong> Valid <a href=“”>HTML 4.01</a> Strict!</h2>
Below are the results of attempting to parse this document with
an SGML parser.
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-12">12</a>, column 17</em>: <span class=“msg”> there is no attribute “BACKGROUND”
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><body background="/images/bg.jpg"</code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-13">13</a>, column 5</em>: <span class=“msg”> there is no attribute “LINK”
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”>link=white vlink=white style=‘tab-interval:.5in’></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-13">13</a>, column 17</em>: <span class=“msg”> there is no attribute “VLINK”
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”>link=white vlink=white style=‘tab-interval:.5in’></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-16">16</a>, column 14</em>: <span class=“msg”> document type does not allow element “TD” here
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><td valign=top></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-18">18</a>, column 13</em>: <span class=“msg”> there is no attribute “ALIGN”
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><table align=center border=“4”><td><img src="/images/CSbiglogo3.gif" align=cente</code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-18">18</a>, column 34</em>: <span class=“msg”> start tag for “TR” omitted, but its declaration does not permit this
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><table align=center border=“4”><td><img src="/images/CSbiglogo3.gif" align=cente</code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-18">18</a>, column 75</em>: <span class=“msg”> there is no attribute “ALIGN”
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”>…d><img src="/images/CSbiglogo3.gif" align=center></td></table></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-18">18</a>, column 81</em>: <span class=“msg”> required attribute “ALT” not specified
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”>…"/images/CSbiglogo3.gif" align=center></td></table></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-23">23</a>, column 61</em>: <span class=“msg”> required attribute “ALT” not specified
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”>…td><img src="/images/topleft.gif" height=“20” width=“20”></td></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-24">24</a>, column 16</em>: <span class=“msg”> there is no attribute “BGCOLOR”
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" height=“20” width=“100%”></td></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-24">24</a>, column 33</em>: <span class=“msg”> there is no attribute “HEIGHT”
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" height=“20” width=“100%”></td></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-24">24</a>, column 44</em>: <span class=“msg”> there is no attribute “WIDTH”
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”> <td bgcolor="#ffffff" height=“20” width=“100%”></td></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-25">25</a>, column 62</em>: <span class=“msg”> required attribute “ALT” not specified
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”>…><img src="/images/topright.gif" height=“20” width=“20”></td></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-30">30</a>, column 17</em>: <span class=“msg”> there is no attribute “FACE”
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”> <font face=“Arial” size=“2” color="#000000"><center><br><h3></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-30">30</a>, column 30</em>: <span class=“msg”> there is no attribute “SIZE”
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”> <font face=“Arial” size=“2” color="#000000"><center><br><h3></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-30">30</a>, column 40</em>: <span class=“msg”> there is no attribute “COLOR”
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”> <font face=“Arial” size=“2” color="#000000"><center><br><h3></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-30">30</a>, column 49</em>: <span class=“msg”> element “FONT” undefined
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”> <font face=“Arial” size=“2” color="#000000"><center><br><h3></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-30">30</a>, column 57</em>: <span class=“msg”> element “CENTER” undefined
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”> <font face=“Arial” size=“2” color="#000000"><center><br><h3></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-41">41</a>, column 38</em>: <span class=“msg”> end tag for “H3” omitted, but its declaration does not permit this
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”> <a href="/staff.html">Staff</a></font></center></h3></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-30">30</a>, column 62</em>: <span class=“msg”> start tag was here
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”>…font face=“Arial” size=“2” color="#000000"><center><br><h3></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-41">41</a>, column 47</em>: <span class=“msg”> end tag for element “CENTER” which is not open
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”> <a href="/staff.html">Staff</a></font></center></h3></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-41">41</a>, column 52</em>: <span class=“msg”> end tag for element “H3” which is not open
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”> <a href="/staff.html">Staff</a></font></center></h3></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-46">46</a>, column 64</em>: <span class=“msg”> required attribute “ALT” not specified
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”>…g src="/images/bottomleft.gif" height=“20” width=“20”></td></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-48">48</a>, column 65</em>: <span class=“msg”> required attribute “ALT” not specified
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”>…src="/images/bottomright.gif" height=“20” width=“20”></td></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-54">54</a>, column 15</em>: <span class=“msg”> value of attribute “VALIGN” cannot be “CENTER”; must be one of “TOP”, “MIDDLE”, “BOTTOM”, “BASELINE”
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><tr><td valign=center width=600><tr align=center></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-55">55</a>, column 15</em>: <span class=“msg”> there is no attribute “BACKGROUND”
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><td BACKGROUND="/images/upbg.png" width=“600” height=100% align=center></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-55">55</a>, column 56</em>: <span class=“msg”> an attribute value must be a literal unless it contains only name characters
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><td BACKGROUND="/images/upbg.png" width=“600” height=100% align=center></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-56">56</a>, column 7</em>: <span class=“msg”> element “CENTER” undefined
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><center><u><font size=7>Updates</font></u></center><br></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-56">56</a>, column 10</em>: <span class=“msg”> element “U” undefined
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><center><u><font size=7>Updates</font></u></center><br></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-56">56</a>, column 23</em>: <span class=“msg”> element “FONT” undefined
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><center><u><font size=7>Updates</font></u></center><br></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-58">58</a>, column 7</em>: <span class=“msg”> element “CENTER” undefined
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><center></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-59">59</a>, column 54</em>: <span class=“msg”> there is no attribute “HSPACE”
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”>…/sephbanner.gif" align=center hspace=12><h3><u>12/11/03, 4:09 P.M. CT</u><br></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-59">59</a>, column 56</em>: <span class=“msg”> required attribute “ALT” not specified
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><img src="/images/sephbanner.gif" align=center hspace=12><h3><u>12/11/03, 4:09 P.M. CT</u><br></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-59">59</a>, column 63</em>: <span class=“msg”> element “U” undefined
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”>…"/images/sephbanner.gif" align=center hspace=12><h3><u>12/11/03, 4:09 P.M. CT</u><br></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-66">66</a>, column 7</em>: <span class=“msg”> element “CENTER” undefined
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><center></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-67">67</a>, column 56</em>: <span class=“msg”> required attribute “ALT” not specified
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><img src="/images/sephbanner.gif" align=center hspace=12><h3><u>11/06/03, 6:18 P.M. CT</u><br></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-67">67</a>, column 63</em>: <span class=“msg”> element “U” undefined
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”>…"/images/sephbanner.gif" align=center hspace=12><h3><u>11/06/03, 6:18 P.M. CT</u><br></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-72">72</a>, column 7</em>: <span class=“msg”> element “CENTER” undefined
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><center></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-73">73</a>, column 56</em>: <span class=“msg”> required attribute “ALT” not specified
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><img src="/images/sephbanner.gif" align=center hspace=12><h3><u>9/18/03, 7:42 P.M. CT</u><br></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-73">73</a>, column 63</em>: <span class=“msg”> element “U” undefined
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”>…"/images/sephbanner.gif" align=center hspace=12><h3><u>9/18/03, 7:42 P.M. CT</u><br></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-78">78</a>, column 8</em>: <span class=“msg”> element “U” undefined
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”>We’re <u>still</u> looking for people knowledgeable with Java to make us a chat </code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-78">78</a>, column 131</em>: <span class=“msg”> element “U” undefined
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”>…trusia section won’t be done for a <u>long</u> while…so be patient.</code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-81">81</a>, column 7</em>: <span class=“msg”> element “CENTER” undefined
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><center></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-82">82</a>, column 32</em>: <span class=“msg”> required attribute “ALT” not specified
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><img src="/images/korbanner.gif"> <h3><u>8/28/03, 11:52 P.M. CT</u><br></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-82">82</a>, column 40</em>: <span class=“msg”> element “U” undefined
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><img src="/images/korbanner.gif"> <h3><u>8/28/03, 11:52 P.M. CT</u><br></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-87">87</a>, column 7</em>: <span class=“msg”> element “CENTER” undefined
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><center></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-88">88</a>, column 56</em>: <span class=“msg”> required attribute “ALT” not specified
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><img src="/images/sephbanner.gif" align=center hspace=12><h3><u>8/28/03, 8:41 P.M. CT</u><br></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-88">88</a>, column 63</em>: <span class=“msg”> element “U” undefined
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”>…"/images/sephbanner.gif" align=center hspace=12><h3><u>8/28/03, 8:41 P.M. CT</u><br></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-92">92</a>, column 19</em>: <span class=“msg”> end tag for “H3” omitted, but its declaration does not permit this
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”>See ya! ^.^</center></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-88">88</a>, column 57</em>: <span class=“msg”> start tag was here
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><img src="/images/sephbanner.gif" align=center hspace=12><h3><u>8/28/03, 8:41 P.M. CT</u><br></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-94">94</a>, column 7</em>: <span class=“msg”> element “CENTER” undefined
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><center></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-95">95</a>, column 56</em>: <span class=“msg”> required attribute “ALT” not specified
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><img src="/images/sephbanner.gif" align=center hspace=12><h3><u>8/22/03, 9:33 P.M. CT</u><br></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-95">95</a>, column 63</em>: <span class=“msg”> element “U” undefined
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”>…"/images/sephbanner.gif" align=center hspace=12><h3><u>8/22/03, 9:33 P.M. CT</u><br></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-100">100</a>, column 7</em>: <span class=“msg”> element “CENTER” undefined
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><center></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-101">101</a>, column 56</em>: <span class=“msg”> required attribute “ALT” not specified
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”><img src="/images/sephbanner.gif" align=center hspace=12><h3><u>8/21/03, 5:07 P.M. CT</u><br></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-101">101</a>, column 63</em>: <span class=“msg”> element “U” undefined
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”>…"/images/sephbanner.gif" align=center hspace=12><h3><u>8/21/03, 5:07 P.M. CT</u><br></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>
<li><em>Line <a href="#line-109">109</a>, column 6</em>: <span class=“msg”> end tag for “BODY” which is not finished
</span> (<a href=“”>explain…</a>).
<pre> <code class=“input”></body></code>
<span class=“markup”>^</span></pre></li>

White text for the links isn’t a good idea on that background. Otherwise I think it looks pretty, lots of pastel colors.

TD, you are an evil bastard and I love you

Uriel: It’s bright and burns my eyes, and so I dub it craptacular.

I’m too tired to find the flaws and everything, so I’ll leave it at the fact I feel sorry for to endure such torture.

Originally posted by Uriel
Here is Crystal Sphere 3, ph334r my html power!!!

Only in the fact that it makes me want to kill myself.

Seriously man, that is hard to look at. Try to tone it down some.

And I’m just happy that I’m unable to view sites on at this point.

Who whined for that?

My eyes! The goggles, they do nothing!

That hurts my eyes, and the content is nothing worth reading.

TD, Stop being Wertigon! Wertigon, stop being TD >_>

What about those of us who haven’t whined for all this time? [badum-tsh] Seriously, though, yeah, insert request to change the color scheme here.

Even if you did a nice work on it, it <i> still </i> sucks.

And the content is not worth of having a website, seriously.


Originally posted by Zero
TD, you are an evil bastard and I love you

:mwahaha: Your awesome.

Uriel: Your sight is scarier then mine.

Too bad, changing the link colors: yes, I can do that. But the site has that color scheme for a reason…it’s Christmas & I wanted it to be happy, & the light colors make it load SO much faster…

Alyx…NOTHING can be scarier than your site…besides, I hate Yuyu Hakusho.

Light colours load faster?

Wow, I didn’t know that.

Yes, Kor…& I know it was you who’s been messing with my site data before I just mass-updated. All of the coding, spelling/grammar/html errors are exactly the same as you would normally do. So it points to you,just to inform you, I changed the password so youcan’t getin & I’llbe deleting your little thingy within a couple of days.

<img src=“”> It is a little known fact that light colors weigh less than dark colours, which causes them to load up to 3x faster.

I have a stupid question (since I know nothing about websites):

Does having a lighter colour really make it load faster, or is Uriel full of it? I’m betting the latter, but I’d like to hear it from someone who knows what they are talking about.