For the P&P RPG'ers

Could I perhaps evoke the 8th rule of these forums? The moderators should be on this, but I believe (according to the forum rules) it only warrants a single Warning!

So if someone could do that that’d be great.

I’m fairly certain that TD is just joking around based on his White Mage avatar looking like it is wearing a Klan hood.

Drop Bear, on the other hand, just sounds like an ignorant fuck.

The KKK is a chatroom inside joke, and it promotes neither killing minorities nor setting fire to their loved ones.

Then it would be great to get some clarification from them whether it is a joke or not. I don’t see any smiley faces or (jk) anywhere. There is a great Batman Begins quote that could go here:

“Crime cannot be tolerated, criminals thrive on the indulgence of societies understanding.” Ras Ah Gul

Not necessarily calling these guys criminals, but the core idea remains.

::edit:: Thanks for the clarification, I guess this is an obvious indication that not everyone finds this topic humorous.

Hahaha, oh wow.

Oh Snap. Also, Fuck you Dave. >:(

Nice use of capitalization.

Ruda suxxors…

Okay, yeah it obvious he’s joking :-/

How isn’t it obvious?

ninja edit: dur i gud engish

Because, He’s dutch. He has like, an aura of secrecy!