I started my hand at making comics. Can I have your opinion?
Hehehe :hahaha;
Not bad! But it goes in the media I believe.
Thanks for the info, I just made this today, I still have time to make another one. I’ll keep track of my progress in this thread. And I am open to suggestions about stories and even cameos. I also need backgrounds (You must’ve had noticed that)
Backgrounds are easy, a small green rectangle under a large blue one makes a field, and some white blobs in the blue for clouds and maybe add some trees?
Or do you want ‘realistic’ backgrounds?
is thinking as asking to cameo
I was thinking about more realistic backgrounds.
Edit: The site has been updated. There is a new comic to see.
Not bad mate =)
Since I got no backgrounds, the comics are coming in fast. I am still willing to put up a camoe appearance. Don’t worry, the cameo star won’t get blasted, I promise.
I’ve found some nice pictures for backgrounds, you’d have to re-size them.
If you want any more, just say.
Nice, thx, I’ll use those for now. I’ll also start searching for some myself.
trys to surpress a laugh as X get’s blasted A very interesting, and promising start.
I’d love to make a guest appearance in one of those, if you could work it.
All I need is the sprite sheet, and there’s a new character in the comic.
<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> 9 out of 8 Megaman sprite comics are horrible, and yours look to be no exception, no offense.
<ul><li>Try having something of a plot planned out, or at least interesting random stuff</li>
<li>Just… don’t godmode, even if you are the author</li>
<li>Megaman. Bad. Megaman comics. Worse. Megaman sprite comics. Worst.</li>
<li>At least <i>try</i> to draw a background, it’s not very hard</li>
<li>See point 1</li></ul>
It ain’t a megaman comic. But, I still like to torture X a little.
Not bad…not bad at all. But thorw in a few non-megaman characters if you want fewer people to discard it at first glance. :hahaha;
[li]The sprites are too small.
[/li][li]It needs backgrounds.
[/li][li]It needs a unique and captivating plot.
Aquire the last, and you’ll be successful. The competition has little to no plot at all.
I am still thinking about a plot for the main story, as for the background, I’ll get some when the main story starts. And I will increase the sprite size.
Edit: I can’t increase the sprite size without lowering the sprite quality, I’ll just do bigger comics instead.
Ah, you’ll give it up in a few days. Weeks at most.
I like it. It rocks hard. Keep it up my friend.
Why thank you Ahkeeyuu, I am actually making the fourth episode. It will still not have backgrounds. The backgrounds will come when the main adventure starts in the comic.